💔 🤭 Teacher 2 🤭 💔

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Written: Idk

Takes place: Modern AU

Request: Requested by someone who has such an unholy name I dare not write it. 🤣

Note: Sorry I haven't been updating...


You entered Dr. Smith- no, Erwin's office. Even though legally, your relationship was fine, he was your professor and would get fired if the school found out. Because of that, the two of you decided to keep your relationship a secret. You found him sitting behind his desk grinning.

"What is it?"

"Nothing. Just looking at you." You blushed and sat down next to him. "You don't mind if we don't go out today do you? I have to grade these essays."

"No, I don't mind. Can I stay awhile and help?"

"No need. I've got some TAs coming over to help. But if you want to stay you can."
"Okay." You sat looking at your phone, only looking up when you heard the door open. A short but serious looking man and a messy brown haired woman came in.

"Ahh. Levi, Hanji. This is my best student, Y/n."

"Nice to meet you."

"Likewise!" Levi didn't say anything, so you didn't address him or shake his hand. Erwin separated the papers into 3 stacks and gave Levi and Hanji a stack each.

"We have about 23 each, so lets get to work."

"Yes sir!" It was silent except for occasional comments about the essays from Hanji and Erwin.

"Listen to this guys, 'the law means that it should not be broken because it is the law.'" Hanji tried holding in her laugh, but failed.

"I don't know how these brats got into this school."

"Their parents have influence." Erwin said. After about an hour of looking at social media and reading on your phone, you decided you were going to leave. There was no way you were going to stay the whole time they graded.

"Umm... Dr. Smith. I'm going to leave now. If you don't need any help." Erwin looked at you careful not to betray any emotion.

"Okay. Would you like me to walk you out?" You tried desperately to suppress a blush. He was being so bold in front of his TAs!

"Actually... I have a large project that I need help carrying out of the classroom." You lied.

"Well, I'll come help you then. Hanji, Levi, continue grading the papers." Once you left, Hanji and Levi looked at each other.

"Is it just me or is there something weird going on?"
"Yeah... why would a random student just stay in his office for an hour? And why did he offer to walk her out?"
"It's none of our business." Levi said.

"Well..." Hanji looked at him with a devilish look.

"Fine." Meanwhile, you and Erwin had arrived at his classroom, where he locked the door and closed the blinds.

"Just one kiss. I think they're onto us." Erwin groaned.

"You don't make it easy to leave after just one." You smiled and kissed him. Then you gathered your things and made your way to the door.

"Wait. Just one more." You rolled your eyes. Even though he was older than you and quite accomplished, Erwin could be very immature. The two of you kissed again, but you made it brief because you were still worried. You unlocked the door and opened it. Hanji had her ear to the door, and Levi was standing looking at Erwin with his arms crossed. 'Oh shit.'  You thought.

"Care to give an explanation?"


"I'm not talking to you." Levi hissed. "Besides. There is no explanation. We heard everything." Your hear was pounding so hard you felt like you were about to pass out. Erwin put his hands up.

"You caught us."

"You, brat." Levi said addressing you. "Leave. This is a grown-ups conversation." You looked at the floor and made your way out the door. Your whole face was hot and you felt like running and hiding somewhere.

"No, she stays." You stopped walking. "Y/n, come here." You looked at Erwin one last time, but continued out. If you had seen the way his face fell when you turned your back on him, your heart would've broke. However, the two of you were already in trouble and you didn't want to make it worse.

'I'm sorry Erwin. I'm so so sorry.'

Erwin Smith x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now