💔 😡 Teacher 3 😡 💔

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Written: January 28(ish), 2021

Takes place: Modern AU

Request: idk if anyone requested it, just completing the series

Note: I had this done for a while... don't know why I posted it now.


Even after what had happened, you continued going to class. Even Erwin's class. The two of you didn't talk. And even though you knew all the answers, you didn't raise your hand to answer any of the questions. Instead, you watched anime the whole time.

You could tell Erwin had changed. He would come into class late and because you sat relatively close to the front you could see the dark rings around his eyes. He just looked disheveled in general. His hair wasn't combed in place like it usually was and there were strands out of place. Sometimes he would be in the middle of a lecture and forget what he was talking about.

"Umm. Sorry. Where was I again?"

"You were saying-"

"Oh. I remember. Yes. Never mind. Sorry."

This had gone on for a month until one day you were exiting the campus and someone grabbed your arm and pulled you aside. You were surprised and a little scared, but then you saw it was Erwin and you relaxed.

"What are you doing? What if someone sees?"

"Just listen. Are you busy right now?"


"Then come with me." You looked around, then nodded. The hand that was on your arm slowly lowered so that it held yours. He brought you to his car which you hesitantly got in.

"Look, I'm not kidnapping you okay? So relax. I just want to go somewhere private."

"Your apartment?"

"No, not my apartment." He started the car and you internally sighed a breath of relief. There was a moment of silence. Then he breathed out loudly and asked, "Why did you leave me that day?"

"W-we were caught. I didn't want anymore trouble... um... where are we going?"

"I asked you to stay but you listened to a stranger instead of me. A stranger."

"It's not like I chose him over you!"

"Isn't that exactly what it is?"

"Erwin where are we going?!"

"I just don't think it's fair Y/n. What did I ever do to you? Did you ever even love me?"

"Yes! Of course I do Erwin. I just don't think we can risk it right now." He rubbed his forehead.

"And what do you suggest we do?"

"Wait. Wait until I graduate. It's only in three years."

"Three years?" Erwin said in disbelief. "That's-"

"Erwin. Where are we going?"

"Why do you keep asking that?! Do you not trust me?" You gulped.

"No. I just-" Erwin slammed the brakes and you jerked forward. Your heartbeat was racing.

"Just tell me the truth. You don't want to be with me anymore right?"

"No. That's not true."

"But at this moment. Right now. Do you want to be with me?"

"I want to. But we can't." Erwin clenched his jaw and continued driving. He stopped in front of your dorm.

"I-I didn't know you were driving here."

"You just don't trust me."

"No I- I just have a bad sense of direction. And I've never gone the way you did." Erwin didn't say anything, so you got your stuff and got out of the car.

"Bye." He drove away without another word. When he got home he did what he had done for the past three weeks: let his liver handle what his heart couldn't.

Knock Knock Knock

Erwin staggered to the door and opened it.

"Oi oi oi. You look like hell."

"I didn't ask."

"Hello Erwin!" Hanji shouted happily. He covered his ears.

"Fuck. The papers are right there. Just grade them like I asked."

"You're in no shape to do any grading."

"I didn't say I was doing any."

"What, we're doing it all?"

"Hey... Levi." Hanji said trying to get him to go easier on Erwin.

"This is your job!"

"If you hadn't ruined my life maybe I would be able to do it!"

"Ruined your life? Pull yourself together! How old is she?! Twenty? Twenty-one?"


"And you're thirty-eight! Fucking 16 years apart."

"I don't care okay? And neither did Y/n." Erwin ran a hand through his hair and then walked back into his room shutting the door.

"You went too far Levi."

"What he's doing-"

"Isn't illegal. Just... frowned upon. I think your personal feelings are clouding your judgement." Hanji sat down and got to work on the papers. Levi scowled and left Erwin's apartment.

A few hours later, Levi found himself at your door. His hand was shaking but he knocked anyways.

"Oi. Brat-"

Erwin Smith x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now