☁️ 📓 Baby 📓 ☁️

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- When you had the baby it hurt like f*ck

- Erwin was encouraging the entire time

- You yelled at him a lot

- He just smiled when you did

- Hanji was there helping deliver your baby

- Levi was there too for some reason? He just stood in the corner watching the miracle of life happen.

- Mike was there too as well. It was kinda weird. He smelled your baby when it was born.

- Mike cried.

- Levi almost cried. Jk. He actually did. It was a single tear, and he wiped it away really quickly.

- Hanji yelled very excitedly.

- Erwin's such a softie. He cried a lot.

- Right when the baby came out, it was slippery and Hanji dropped it.

- Thankfully, Levi caught it.

- You yelled at Hanji.

- Erwin face palmed.

- You thought the baby was adorable.

- It was a boy.

- He already had Erwin's eyebrows.

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