💔 Gone 💔

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Written: November 19, 2019

Takes place: Before Erwin d__s.

Request: Not a request

Note: At the end it kinda turned into Levi's POV. Anyways, that picture always makes me sad. I didn't edit this, so sorry for any errors.


Levi and Hanji walked into your room. You looked at them smiling happily. You got up and hugged them both tightly.

"Thank goodness you're both safe!" You gasped.

"Hanji! What happened to your eye?!"

"It's nothing." She turned her head avoiding your gaze. You suddenly noticed they were both very solemn.

"What happened?"

"Y/n I'm so sorry." Hanji whispered.

"What is it? Is Erwin stuck in a meeting already?!" You sighed. He was always so busy. Even after a huge mission he was going to a meeting with the higher ups. That was okay, the children would see him tonight hopefully.

"He's not in a meeting Y/n."

"Oh." There was some silence. You noticed Levi hadn't spoken to you at all. You gasped.

"He isn't hurt again?! Is he?!" Hanji bit her lip and Levi still looked at you with his face dark.

"Y/n..." Hanji whimpered. Suddenly she just started crying.

"What is it? I don't understand." Levi looked up at you, and for a moment, there was a sliver of sadness and compassion in his eyes. It went back to normal as soon as his eyes met yours.

"Erwin is dead." Your body froze. You couldn't believe it. You didn't want to believe it.

"No. He's not."

"Erwin is dead."

"That's not true. He promised me. You promised me... Hanji, you-you..."

"Levi, he won't listen to me, he's going to go anyways. You know that too."

"I know. That idiot."

"Please, Levi." You took his hands and you looked in his eyes.

"Please protect him. Please. You have the injection. If it goes that far, save him."

"I will. I always do."

"Promise me." Levi hesitated.

"I promise."

"Hanji, protect my idiot."

"I will Y/n."

"Don't let him do anything stupid. Same goes for Levi. If anything goes wrong, I'm leaving it up to you to keep them in line."

"Got it."


"Promise." They interlaced their pinky fingers.

"I'm so sorry Y/n!" Your body stopped working, your legs felt weak, and you fell to your knees. Your hands were shaking, but you didn't notice. Your mouth and throat were dry, but your eyes were wet with tears.

"How?" Your voice wavered.


"How many survived?"

"Nine including us."

"Who are they?"

"Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Jean, Sasha, Connie, Floch, Levi, and myself."

"How did he die?" Hanji told you the whole story, not leaving out any details.

"Armin? Really?" You were sad before, but now you were enraged.

"YOU THINK HE CAN REPLACE ERWIN?!" Hanji tried to calm you down, and held your shoulders. You shook her off.

"Don't touch me." You hissed. "You're just as bad. You could have convinced this asshole, but you let him choose the wrong person. I told you before, you had to look after them. Were you two laughing at me when I asked you to protect him? How could you? How could you? How? He was everything to me! He was the only one who could have saved this god forsaken world!"

"It's selfish to put someone you care about over someone else." You glared with contempt at Levi.

"Erwin may have lived his life selfishly, he only wanted to achieve his dream, but everyone in this world is like that. In the end he sacrificed his own life for this cause when the answers were so close to him. THAT is not selfish." You cried out in your grief.

"Did you even think for one second?!! We have three children!! Fuck, it's going to be four!!" Hanji and Levi looked at you in surprise. You started sobbing.

"I was going to surprise him when he got back." Suddenly, your five year old came in the room. You turned away from him. You didn't want your child to see you crying like this. You couldn't face him, he looked just like Erwin.

"Mommy why are you crying?"

"Y/n, we all lost someone today. Moblit's gone. He died saving me." Hanji's voice was soft, begging for forgiveness.

"Mommy?" Your son climbed into your lap and wiped your tears, but they kept coming. You buried your face into your son's tiny chest.

"Please Y/n, you have to understand." Hanji stepped closer to you, but you stood up with your son in your arms, and you backed away from them.

"I thought we were friends."

"We are!" Hanji said desperately. Levi stormed out of the room suddenly, he couldn't take it. He was the reason three innocent children would never see their father again. He was the reason one innocent child would never even get to see their father. He was the reason a father wouldn't be there for the birth of his child. He was the reason why his best friend was heart broken. And even worse, he had promised.

He walked to his room, and slammed the door behind him. He put his back against the door, and slid down the door. He hugged his knees to his chest. He didn't know he was crying until the fabric of his shirt started getting darker. Levi lifted a hand up to his cheeks, where tears were running down. He was crying over what he had done. He was crying because he was guilty- no, he was crying because he betrayed Erwin. Levi killed the man he loved. And for what reason? Because a child had a dream to see the ocean? What the fuck is an ocean? Besides, everyone has dreams, why would he pick a child with no family and two friends over a man, the commander of the Scout Regiment, who had three- no four children and a wife?

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