☁️ Baby Erwin ☁️

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Written: January 12, 2020

Takes place: Whenever Levi, Mike, Erwin, and Hanji are all alive.

Request: Not a request

Note: Cute. Just... cute.


"AHHHHHHHHHHH!" You tightened the towel around you. You had felt two tiny hands on your butt. You turned around to see who had just groped you. It was a tiny kid, probably 2 or 3 years old. He looked like Erwin, except when he was a kid. He had combed blond hair and ocean blue eyes. It must be Erwin.

"Y/N! Up!" He reached his arms up at you.

"E-Erwin?" You reached down and picked him up.

"Mmhm?" He looked into your eyes with his bright blue orbs. He was adorable. That was when you noticed he was naked.

"Wny aren't you wearing anything?"

"I dunno." He shrugged.

"Okay... let's both get changed." You took off your towel and started putting on some clothes. Then you felt Erwin climbing up on your back. He crawled higher and higher until both of his hands could reach your boobs. Then he started squishing  them.

"Boobies! Boobies!" You froze in horror. How could a little kid be so perverted?

"Erwin no!" You detached him from your boobs and set him back down on your bed. He started crying.

"Why... no... boobies?" Then you felt bad for him. You changed and then gave him the smallest clothes you had. The shirt was still too big, but there was nothing else, so it would just have to do.

"I... want... boobies." He was still sniffling, so you reluctantly let him under your shirt, and you carried him in there.

"Yay!" You rolled your eyes, but at least he wan't crying. You left your room to go find Hanji. She definitely did this.

"HANJI ZOE OPEN UP!" Hanji opened the door to see you and the small lump in your shirt.

"Ahhh. I see you found my creation."

"Your creation?!"

"You see, I was doing an experiment... and I asked Erwin to be a test subject. It really is his fault for agreeing. You guys know the risks."

"Hanji, just tell me if he's going to be fine."

"He'll be back by tomorrow. Probably."


"Haha. Just kidding!" Then Hanji closed the door and shrugged. He might be back tomorrow. Who knows.

"Erwin, do you wanna do something fun?" Erwin looked up at you from inside your shirt.

"Like what?"

"I don't know... how about a picnic?"

"Picnic!" He shouted.

"Okay... that's a yes." You went around gathering supplies and food for your picnic and bumped into Mike.

"Y/n... what's in your shirt?"

"Oh, it's just Erwin." Mike looked at you confused.

"What?" Then you took Erwin out of your shirt, and showed him to Mike.

"Holy crap. He's... he's a baby. That's Erwin?!"

"Yup. Hanji did this." Mike's eyes got wider.

"He's adorable Y/n. Let me hold him." You gave baby Erwin to Mike, and he started nuzzling his face into Erwin.

"God he smells like heaven. Baby smell is the best smell." You laughed as Erwin grabbed Mike's mustache.

"Mikey Mikey Mikey."

"Hey. Respect the stache." Mike pried Erwin's hands off his mustache and gave Erwin back to you.

"Do you mind if I come with you?"

"Not at all." As the three of you walked outside, you met Levi out in one of the training fields.

"Oi. Who's the brat?" Erwin hid behind your legs because he was scared of Levi.

"Y/n up." You picked Erwin up, and he nuzzled his face into your boobs. He felt safe like that.

"What the- Is that Erwin?" Levi came closer to you.

"How in the-"


"Oh. That explains it." Levi circled towards your back so he could see Erwin's face.

"What do you think Levi?" Asked Mike.

"I think... I think... Hanji's a damn idiot for turning our Commander into a baby."

"No, I mean about Erwin."

"He's the cutest damn thing I've ever seen." Said Levi blushing. Erwin reached out a chubby hand towards Levi and patted him on the cheek.

"Where are you guys going?"

"We're having a picnic."

"I'm coming with you." The four of you walked to a nice spot under a tree and had a picnic. The three of you took turns feeding Erwin, and Erwin rolled around in the grass. The four of you looked like a really weird and strange, yet happy family.

"Levi up." Levi picked up Erwin.

"You're a cute little bastard you know."

"That's a bad word! Y/n! Levi said a bad word!"

"Shut up brat!"

"He did it again!" You took Erwin from Levi's arms and smiled.

"It's okay Erwin." You kissed his cheek and he blushed really hard. Then you felt a huge weight in your lap. Erwin, big, adult Erwin, was laying in your arms sheepishly. He was only wearing the shirt you gave him earlier. You could see everything else.

"FUCK, MY EYES!" Yelled Mike.

"Holy Maria, Rose, and Sina please save me." Prayed Levi. He wanted to look away, but he couldn't. He didn't. He was frozen. But he was also gay for Erwin, so he kept watching.

You quickly gave Erwin the picnic cloth you were all sitting on to cover himself. He was blushing because he was embarrassed, but he also yelled at all of you for just watching him while he was naked. Then he ordered both Levi and Mike to do laps until sunset and to tell Hanji to do the same.

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