☁️ 🗡️ Real Life 🗡️ ☁️

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Written: December 16, 2020

Takes place: Sometime when Levi, Mike, Hanji, and Erwin are all alive.

Request: Not a request.

Note: My inspiration came from @Yuan_Chan Basically you were granted one wish, and you used it... to go to the world of attack on titan.


You woke up with the sun shining brightly in your eyes.

"What's your name? Oi! Wake up!" You squinted and could make out Levi's face. You sat up and felt a blade underneath your chin against your neck.

"My name is Y/n. Y/n L/n."

"What are you wearing?" Hanji said inspecting your clothes and smelling the fabric.

"This is just a shirt. And these are jeans."

"The colors are so vivid! And these 'jeans' as you call it, are unlike anything I've seen."

"Thanks? Can someone put down the blade?" You asked trying to see who was behind you.

"Nope. Sorry." Hanji said smiling. You could see a crowd of Scouts surrounding you, looking at you as if you were an alien. The crowd whispered among themselves, but suddenly became deadly silent. They parted as a tall and commanding figure came through. You immediately recognized him. Erwin Smith. The man you loved and wanted to join so badly you used your wish to come to this dangerous place.

"Your name?"

"Y/n L/n."

"Where are you from?"

"I'd rather answer that alone. Or just with you and your commanding officers."

"Stand up." You did so carefully, as not to cut your neck. "Mike." The person behind you handed their blade to Levi who kept it aimed at you, and tied your hands together. That's when you realized Mike was the one who had the blade at your neck.

"Follow me." You followed Erwin to what you assumed was his office. He sat you down across from him, but he stood with Mike, Levi, and Hanji at his side.

"So... where are you from?"

"Another world." Hanji's eyes widened, while Erwin narrowed his eyes looking at you, assessing you.

"You mean from another country? From outside the walls?"

"No. I mean another world. Possible another universe. Because in my world, you exist in books. I wished to come to you... for a reason... which I'd rather not disclose, so I used a wish to come here.

"A wish?"


"And you say we exist in books in your world?"

"Yes. You're all completely fictional, but I wished to come here."


"I really rather not."

"We need to know to determine whether you're a threat or not. Because I can turn you in and give you to the Military Police. They won't be as nice to an outsider." You sighed.

"I wanted to come here because I fell in love with you. Erwin."

"You fell in love with a book character?"

"Well you're all in a tv show too. But you don't know what that is."

"I wanna keep her." Hanji said firmly. Erwin held up his hand gesturing her to stop.

"We need to know more first. At least your age and real motivation."

"18. My motivation? I just wanted to meet you."

"Levi, have your squad watch her. Escort her to an empty room." Levi untied your hands and walked with you to his squad. Meanwhile, Erwin, Mike, and Hanji talked about the situation.

"I don't trust Y/n. She may have been telling the truth, but I don't trust her." Erwin stated.

"I like her! SO bold how she just said she loves you." Hanji said. "Maybe you can marry Y/n." She teased.

"What do you think Mike?"

"I didn't smell any lies."

"How can that be possible. How can someone from another world know about us? Or are we fake? Is the author of those books controlling our lives?"

"I really don't know."

"If we're in books, do you think she knows the future?" The three of them went silent. They looked at each other for a few seconds, then ran at the same time for the door.

"Get out of the way! I need to know if there are people who exist outside of the walls!"

"I wanna know more about the titans!" Hanji cried out.

"I just want to know what happens to me. Weirdos." Said Mike. They ran opening empty rooms looking for you. Finally, Mike opened the right one, and Hanji and Erwin rushed over.

Simultaneously they asked,

"Do you know the future?!"

Grimly you answered,

"I do."

Erwin Smith x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now