💔 2nd Chances 💔

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Written: December 18, 2019

Takes place: Before breach of Wall Shiganshina

Request: Not a request

Note: Mentions of self harm! Also very angsty! I think Erwin might be a little ooc... sorry...


Y/n knew something was wrong. Since the day you told Erwin you couldn't have kids, you felt like he was growing more distant. It felt as if each day got worse. When he woke up to a delicious breakfast, he wouldn't give you a morning kiss, and at night he would sleep with his back towards you. Inside, Y/n's heart was breaking, a piece of it drifting off like a chunk off an iceberg.



"What's wrong?"

"What do you mean?"


Your conversations lasted only a few seconds, and never longer than a minute. It hurt. Then, Erwin started coming home later and later. At first you allowed it, but then you got worried for his safety. 'Is he okay walking home late at night?'  Then you were worried for his health. 'Is he working for too long and too hard?'  You were also worried for your marriage. 'Could he be... cheating? No! He isn't like that!'  Finally, you were worried for your heart. 'Does he still love me?'

Love can only run on sweet nothings for a limited amount of time.

You have been giving your all to Erwin since you were married, never faltering once. However, a strong relationship has to be one where you take and give. Erwin only takes. You only give.

"Erwin? Is everything fine at work?"

"Yeah. It's fine." You waited and waited for him to say something else, but nothing came.

"That's good."


That was all he said. That was all he ever said.

"Why have you been so distant lately?"

"Distant? How am I distant?" He turned around visibly angered.

"It's just the little things you know? You don't kiss me anymore, we don't talk, you barely even acknowledge me-"

"Why is it only my fault? I don't see you trying very hard either." You gaped at him in shock. You've given him your undying and everlasting love... and he was questioning whether you were trying.

"Excuse me?!"

"You're accusing me of not loving you and not trying in this relationship right? Well neither are you! You're a fucking hypocrite!"

"How am I?! I wake up every morning and make you breakfast, a good lunch, and coffee. When you come back from work, I always have a delicious dinner waiting for you. Not that you would know since you're not even here for dinner. Where are you anyways? Working? No one at the Scouts stays at the base that long. Only you. You don't think I've asked Levi and Hanji? Are you at some whore house?"

"Yeah! I am!"

"What?" You whispered.

"You remember when we met we both wanted a big family? You can't even give me that, so why should I stay? Why should I pretend to love you when I don't?"

"I-I..." Tears welled up in your eyes.

"I have two sons. Twins. They're beautiful. My fiance's pregnant again. We're hoping for a girl this time."

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