☁️ 💔 Dream 💔 ☁️

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Written: January 16, 2020

Takes place: Whenever Mike and Erwin are alive.

Request: Not a request

Note: Sorry this is short. I have more stories coming. MWAHAHA. Also... I think I'll end this at 35 chapters. Suggestions on how long this book should be please!


"Ungh. Mike. Ahhhh." Erwin watched as you, his love and one of his best friends had sex.


"Faster!" Erwin just stared. He was shocked. Erwin was not the kind of man to admit it, but his heart was aching in pain.

"Y/n." Erwin whispered your name.

"Y/n!" He shouted it more loudly this time. You and Mike paused briefly, looking at him, but you continued not caring about Erwin.

"Stop. Please. Stop."

"I love you Mike."

"Ungh. I love you Y/n."

Erwin's eyes opened suddenly. It was only a dream, yet it felt so real. He could feel his pulse racing and his heart beating loudly. He turned around and reached his arm over to you. He pulled you closer to him. You unconsciously snuggled closer to him.

"I know you'd never do that." He whispered.

The next day

Erwin woke up and did his usual routine, but every now and then his mind would wander to his dream. His horrible dream. In the mess hall, he eyed you and Mike who were engaging in a normal conversation.

"And she laughed at me!"

"Typical Hanji." Suddenly, Mike sniffed you.

"Hey, you smell different."

"R-really? Like what?"

"Tea. Levi must be rubbing off on you." You giggled.

"I did bump into Levi this morning. He was so mad when I said I didn't see him!"

"Short people problems, I can't relate." You laughed again.

"You could say that again. You're like the tallest person I know!" Erwin cleared his throat and sat down next to you.

"Hey commander eyebrows." said Mike.

"No. He's commander handsome. Isn't that right Erwin?" Erwin laughed awkwardly trying to pretend everything was alright.

"Yup." You eyed Erwin.

"Is something wrong?"

"No. Why would you think that?" Erwin grabbed you around your waist and pulled you onto his lap.

"Okay. What's wrong?"


"Erwin." You used a threatening tone.


"Erwin." You used an even more threatening tone. Mike was kind of weirded out so he speed walked out of there awkwardly.




"What's wrong?!"

"... I had a dream."

"... About?"



"And you cheated on me with Mike." You were surprised. You certainly weren't expecting that.

"You know I wouldn't cheat."

"... I know. I don't know why I had that dream... it just made me question myself." Erwin rested his head on your back.

"I love you commander handsome." You put your hands over his.

"I know. I love you too Y/n." 

Erwin Smith x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now