💔 The World is Cruel 💔

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Written: December 5, 2019

Takes place: After Eren already joined the scouts.

Request: Not a request.

Note: This one's the longest chapter.


Your husband came home late. Again. For the millionth night in a row. You watched him stagger in and fall onto the couch. You were worried. And angry. But more worried.

"Erwin?" You said softly.

"Erwin?" You said his name louder.

"Erwin?" He groaned.

"Are you okay?" You rolled him over to check he was fine.

"What is it?" He hissed. You winced. He only ever talked to you like that when he was drunk.

"I'm just checking on you."

"I'm fine. I'm not a toddler. Let me sleep."

"If you wanted to sleep you would've come back hours ago." He rolled off the couch, away from you.

"Erwin please I'm just-"

"GOD. Can you stop nagging me for once in your life?!! You're always saying clean this. Do that. Stop this. Stop that. It's fucking annoying! I wanna fucking blow out my brains when I hear your voice!" Tears welled up in your eyes.

"Just leave me alone."

"Okay." You walked towards your bedroom and cried yourself asleep.




You woke up a few hours later, and it was still dark. You remembered what happened earlier, so you took a blanket from the linen closet and put it on Erwin's sleeping form. Then you got a glass of water and set it next to him. He would definitely need it later. You were still worried for him, so you curled up under a blanket on one of his desk chairs and fell asleep. Erwin had woken up when you put the blanket on him, but he pretended to sleep. He watched your sleeping form. Your eyes were red and puffy and the lines under your eyes suggested you got about the same amount of sleep as Erwin. His eyes softened while he was watching you. His head was pounding from the alcohol and his body ached from working so hard all day, but he picked you up and laid you in your bed. Then he downed the water you set next to the couch, and laid down next to you. He spooned your body and you unconsciously wriggled closer to the warmth.

You woke up when you felt stirring next to you, Erwin was getting up for work. You didn't remember when he got in bed with you. You just remembered him being drunk on the couch, but you didn't question it.

"Go back to bed Y/n." You shook your head.

"If you're going to wake up this early, so will I." He looked at you, assessing you.

"Fine." You went to boil some water for tea. Erwin continued dressing.



"I need to tell you something, but I don't want you to freak out." He walked to where you were.

"What do you mean freak out?"

"Just promise you won't."


"I-I... I'm pregnant." Erwin rubbed his forehead. And was silent. This disheartened you. Of course he wouldn't want the baby.

"That's... good." He finally said.


"I'm glad we're having a baby." You looked at Erwin, elated.

Erwin Smith x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now