☁️ Erwin or Levi ☁️

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Written: November 3, 2019

Takes Place: 3 years before the breech of Shiganshina.

Requested: kelseystan97

Note: Sorry for updating this so late.


"Y/n, who are you gonna go with for the festival?" Asked your friend Nanaba.

"Oh, I don't know." You looked away, no one had asked you out yet for the Spring Festival. Even Hanji had been asked out by Moblit, and of course Nanaba had a date.

"I think I heard some cadets wanted to ask you out." Said Hanji.

"Well no one's asked me. Plus there's no way I'm going with a cadet. I would much rather go with you guys than a cadet."

"Sorry Y/n, you know we both have dates."

"Yeah I know. I'm not gonna third wheel. I think I'll just stay here."

"Are you kidding?! You can't miss the festival! It only comes once a year!"

"I'll figure something out tomorrow." You said getting up.

"Okay, goodnight."

"Goodnight Y/n." You walked down the hall wondering why no one had asked you out. Usually, you had many admirers, and you know a few people who definitely had a crush on you. Which is why you just couldn't understand anything. Deep down, you felt abandoned. Your crushes, Erwin and Levi didn't ask you. Of course they didn't. Why would they? Levi was too emotionally closed off and cool to like anyone, and Erwin was the Commander. Relationships were forbidden and Erwin liked rules, even if he did break them all the time. You sighed.

*Two weeks earlier*

Erwin had collected everybody in the Scouts in the mess hall for an announcement.

"What is this Erwin?" Levi looked unamused.

"An announcement."

"Of what?"

"You'll soon find out." Levi grit his teeth, but sat down at the front. Once everyone had been gathered and they settled down, Erwin began.

"I'm sure you all know the Spring festival is around the corner. This announcement is simple. It's a warning. I do not want to see anyone ask Y/n out. Do you understand? Oh, and no one tells her about this. No one here will speak a word of this." There was a small riot. Everyone got up protesting this unfair rule. You had a lot of admirers.

"You can't tell us who we can ask out!"


Levi sat with one leg over the other. His eyes were wide, and he just looked shocked. He stood up suddenly and his face went dark. The other soldiers saw this and they cowered back, silent.

"Erwin." The commander looked at him.

"What is the meaning of this?" Levi asked.

"It's simple. No one asks Y/n out." Levi squared up to him.

"You can't order me to."

"I can and I will." They squared up to each other about to fight.

"Why do you care so much? Do you like her, eyebrows?"

"I don't know Levi. Why do you care so much?" Erwin looked to the side at the frightened soldiers and sighed.

"You're all dismissed. Remember, not a word about this." They ran out quickly, but some stayed behind to watch.

"I said dismissed." Then the others filed out as well.

"Look, Levi, I think we can come to an agreement."

"Really? I don't think so."

"No one will ask her out. That's fair. Not me, not you, or anyone else, until the day of the festival. No unfair advantages." Levi looked at Erwin contemplating the deal.

"Fine. I'll watch out for her during this week, you the next."

"Deal. See? Wasn't so hard." Levi walked away annoyed.

"Tch." 'I'll ask her out anyway. She will go with me to the festival if that's the last thing I do.'

Over that week and the next, Levi and Erwin shooed away any suitors you had. During exercises, Levi would give you punishments to run around the training fields so you would be away from everyone. Of course that just made you annoyed. Sometimes, you would hear a knock on your door before breakfast or after dinner. You would go to answer it, but you would hear some scuffling, and by the time you opened it, Erwin was in front of your door. You asked what he wanted, and he would reply and say that he was only passing by. In reality, he had been guarding your door the whole time, and would kick out any of your suitors. Of course, it just made you annoyed that you were being woken up.

It was now the day of the festival, and you decided even though you were going to be alone, you were going to go out and have some fun. You dressed up in a nice yukata and left.

Along the way there, you heard footsteps behind you. They were very close. You turned around and got into a defensive position, but it was only Erwin and Levi.

"What's going on you two?" They were walking oddly close together, their hair was combed nicely (Erwin's was always nice anyways), and they both held flowers.

"Aww. You two are going out on a date?" They looked up at you, then looked at each other with disgust and stepped away from each other.

"Tch. No way brat."

"Y/n. W-" started Erwin.

"Will you go to the f-" Interjected Levi.

"Festival with me?" Said Erwin.

You looked in shock at them.


"Will you go with me to the festival?" They said at the same time. You laughed.


"To who?" Asked Levi desperately.

"Yes to both of you!"


"HIM? Eyebrows?!" Levi pointed accusingly at Erwin.

"I happen to be a catch Ackermann. Are you so surprised?" Erwin said while running his hand through his hair.

"Come on!" You looped your arms with both of them and started dragging them towards the festival.

AN: I couldn't choose between them for the reader, so I made you choose both. I personally would choose Erwin though. I'm two inches taller than Levi so...

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