🔥 🔪 Yandere 3 🔪 🔥

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Written: February 2, 2019

Takes place: Modern AU

Request: @mimo_mfmf

Note: Kinda rushed. Sorry. I couldn't help but finish this story off though.


"Take it." Erwin put a small box on the bed next to you, then untied your arms. He then carried you to the bathroom and shoved the box into your hands. You were confused at first, but then you read the box. Pregnancy Test  it read. 'Wait, I can't be pregnant can I? Shit! He came in me and wasn't wearing any protection!'  Erwin closed the door and left you there. You started shaking and tears came to your eyes. 'I can't be pregnant! I can't be!'  You just stared at the test for a good five minutes until you couldn't handle the suspense. You peed on the stick as you cried silently. Then you waited three minutes, but it felt like hours. Erwin knocked on the door and startled you.

"Well?" You picked up the stick and turned it over. Sure enough, it had a little plus sign. You let out a sob. Erwin opened the door and walked in. He saw you clutching the stick and crying. To confirm his suspicions, he undid your grip on it and looked at the tiny screen. 'It's positive!'

"How could you?! You did this on purpose didn't you?" You continued to cry. Erwin smiled.

"I did. I don't understand why you aren't happy, we're going to have a baby." The sudden thought of holding a baby, your baby in your arms softened the blow a little.

"You're a horrible, murderous, evil person! Of course I'm not happy about this baby." Erwin frowned.

"Do you need to be taught another lesson?" Your eyes widened.


"Good." Erwin started cutting off the rest of the ropes binding you and gave you your clothes and phone.

"What are you doing?"

"You can go."

"Why? Don't you think I'll tell someone?"

"No. If you tell anyone, they'll be sending your baby's father to prison. Did you ever think of that? I know your parents won't react well when you tell them you're pregnant, and you don't have any money to get an abortion. It doesn't even matter that you don't have enough money to have an abortion, I know you love babies and would never kill yours, even if it is mine. When you tell your parents, what do you think they're going to do? Either throw you out or make you get an abortion and you don't want either. Therefore, you'll have to come back to me. You'll have to rely on me, and if you don't, you won't make it. That's why you can't tell anyone about what I did. Understand?" Your mouth opened in surprise, he had planned this out within the two days you were with him so quickly. It was a perfect plan.

"I understand." You quickly changed into your clothes, took your phone and left his house as fast as possible.

3 months later

The bump on your stomach was barely visible. The only people who knew you were pregnant were Hanji, Levi, and Erwin. You hadn't even told your parents yet. You figured since you were graduating from high school next Friday, you would tell them right before you went to college. Then you wouldn't have to listen to all of their shit about being too young and not wearing protection. On the day that you were leaving for college you told your parents that you were pregnant. They were both surprised and angry.

"You're too young! How do you think you're going to go to all of your classes and get good grades?!" You didn't even listen to them and drove away. You could hear your phone buzzing and going off with calls and texts from the both of them, and you put both of their contacts on silent. You and Erwin chose to go to the same school so you could take care of the baby (and so he could keep an eye on you).

Eventually, when you had the baby, you and Erwin got closer. You saw a different side of him. He was sweet, caring, and emotionally fragile, so you decided to help him with his neurosis. Over the years, he learned to not get overly jealous and to clearly express his emotions with you. Because of that change, you began falling in love with him. The real him, and the two of you lived happily together with your children.

Erwin Smith x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now