☁️ 💔 Bully 💔 ☁️

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Written: October 25, 2019

Takes place: When Erwin's a kid.

Request: Not a request

Note: I edited this chapter so its not cringe anymore...


"Ow!" You shouted as Erwin kicked you in the stomach.

"Shut up!"

"I just want to help you!"

"You'll get us both in trouble." You were both 9. His father had recently died and he was in an unstable place. You were best friends, and he had told you of his father's theory, and as bright as you were, you quickly believed it. You listened to Erwin about his dream of proving his theory, and you tried convincing your other friends about it as well. When his father died however, he realized it was his fault that his father was targeted by the Military Police. As he was still a child, he didn't want to take the blame, so he partially blamed you for his father's death. He was just transferring his own guilt onto you.

"Please. Stop. I'm sorry." You cried.

"It's your fault!" He hit you until recess was over. When school was done, you ran home not wanting to run into him. You arrived home out of breath.

"Y/n?" Your mother called.

"I'm home!"

"You're early. Did you run home?"

"Uh, yeah. I want to beat this kid at running in my class so I'm practicing."

"Ok. Take your clothes off and collect the laundry."

"Ok!" You took your clothes off leaving you in your underwear and put them in the basket, then you collected the rest that was in the house. You walked past your mom and her eyes widened.

"Y/N! Are those bruises?!" She put an arm on your shoulder stopping you. There were bruises on your stomach, arms, and legs.

"Are you being bullied?! Is that why you ran home?!" You shook your head.

"I got into a fight because my friend was being bullied. I kicked the bullys' asses! I did get a few bruises in the process, but it was worth it mommy." You lied to her, but she nodded her head believing the story.

"Next time tell the teacher, I don't want you getting hurt anymore."

"Okay." You walked away bringing the dirty clothes outside. Then you put the basket down.

Erwin looked for you outside the school, you always walked home together. Your houses were close to each other, and after school you would play together. But you weren't there. He waited for five minutes sitting outside, but he left for home after that.

"Back so soon Erwin?" His mother asked. "I thought you and Y/n would be playing right now."

"I don't know where she is."

"She could be at home."

"She didn't walk home with me."

"Hmm. Go check if she's at home though."

"Okay." Erwin walked to your house. He knocked on your door. You answered it. You opened the door excitedly, thinking it was your dad home from work, but it was Erwin. Your eyes widened, and you quickly tried closing the door. Erwin stopped it from closing, but the time the door was open again, you were gone.

"Y/N!" He shouted. You didn't reply. Instead, your mom came to the door.

"Erwin. Are you looking for Y/n?"

"Yes Mrs. L/n."

"Come inside. I think she's in her bedroom." He nodded and walked to your room. He knocked on your door.

"Y/n? Are you in there?" You were silent and you hoped he'd go away. But, as usual, things didn't go the way you wanted them to. He opened your door and walked in. He didn't see you at first because you hid behind the door, but when he looked around the room for you, he saw you in the corner. He laughed.

"Are you hiding from me?"

"N-no." He walked over to you, and you flinched. You slid down the wall until you were scrunched up in a ball.

"What ar-"

"Please don't hurt me!" He stopped advancing towards you surprised. He slid down next to you. He sat down and hugged you.

"I'm sorry Y/n. It wasn't your fault. It was all mine!" He started crying. "My father was killed by the Military Police because of me. I know it-" You wriggled out of his grip. "Y/n?"

"I'm sorry that your father was killed Erwin. But you blamed it on me. How could you?"


"And you've been hitting me at school for the last two weeks. Please go." Erwin's eyes widened.

"No Y/n please I'm sorry."

"I know it's been hard for you but you can't do this anymore." His eyes filled with tears and he ran out of your house crying.

"Erwin, wait!" You called after him, but he was already gone.

Erwin Smith x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now