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Let's get into the Story

Abhi rubs his Cheek were his Pragu Slapped Him Hard...He furiously looks at His Friend Ranveer who laughing and Teasing Him...

He Turns and Looks at Pragya who is Moving out from there...He Runs behind her to Catch her...

"Finally Abhi's smile is Back.. Even though he got slap from His Girlfriend..He looks Kinda Relived Seeing Her" Ranveer Thinks...

Abhi runs Fast To caught her phase..But seems she running like she Came back from the Marathon...He Finally Got Hold of her Hand...She Pushed His hand and she starts to walk even More Faster..Finally he Holds her Tightly..She Tries to take her hand from his Grip...

"Heyy Pragu please...Stop.. Listen to me Baba!" He pleads...

"Who are you too me!? And why the hell I should listen to you ha??" She asked him Furiously tries to get her hand from his Hold....

"Pragu!! I'm You're Abhi!" He tells him smiling at Her...

She gets Even more Furious Seeing him smiling at her....

"Nonsense!! I'm not your Friend!!" She tells him gritting her teeth...Abhi couldn't able to help but smiles Seeing her Furious look...

"Leave My hand!!" She tells him....

Seeing her Struggling to take her hand there comes a Lady constable who sees Pragya is Struggling in Abhi's Arms

"Heyy What's the Problem here!! And you Mr why are you holding this Girl's Hand!" Constable asked Them...

"No No Madam there is no Problem here...I'm just.. I know her!" Abhi said looking at Pragya but she stood silent...

"Miss you know him!!?" she asked Pragya...

She stood Silent looking at Abhi...Abhi widen his eyes Seeing her standing Silent without opening her mouth...He pleads her through eyes...She rolls her Eyes...

"Yes Madam I know him!" She tells her and Constable went from there...

"Look Pragu let's go to home and Talk!" He tells holding her hand...She stayed Silent...

"I hate you!!" She tells him pouts at him...He couldn't help but he smiles Seeing his Pragu....

In Abhi's room...

Pragya looks at his Home ...Its BHK .... Asusal its Under mess...She can able to see his Clothes messed up here and there....She stood silently continuing Her silent war...He holds her Her and He make her sit on his small Couch...He runs Inside his Mini Kitchen and he Brings water to her... Pragya mentally smiles Seeing him bringing Water for her...She Glups the water and He sits beside her....

She Glared at him...Abhi Rolls his Eyes...

"I know you're upset on me .. But think in My situation Pragu!" Abhi tells holding her hand...

"Yes I can Understand Your situation but you just Forget that you have Your Pragu in your life ..For that I can't forgive you Dumbo!" She fumes in Anger...

He moves close to her...And He holds her hand and entwined it... Pragya looks at him

"I really Worried Pragu..When my parents Asked me to choose Cricket or Them..I really shocked by that question..Anyways they know I will choose them but for that I can't give away my Passion...So I choosed Cricket..And ( he stopped his eyes filled with tears) I felt heart broken when They throws me out...In this situation I really don't Want you to trouble you Pragu hide this From you!!" Abhi tells ... Pragya stood up and she wipes his Tears and Hugs him Tightly....Abhi too hugs her tightly....He don't know why he felt peace in her hug..

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