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Let's get into the story....

Pragya opens the door as soon as she hears the door bell rings..... She felt something big going to happen in her life....

She felt her heartbeat raising in every step she is pacing towards the door.....

She opens the door....

Her world stops to see her life standing at her door step by having their son in his arms....

For Abhi......once the door opens.... Abhi is standing with Aarav in her arms....

He is busily talking with Aarav....

Just then he looks the person who opens the door....

Tears started to flow from his eyes to see his fuggy standing there....

He has been searching her for two years but today his fuggy is standing before his eyes....

Pragya don't know what to do now she stood numb.....

Abhi: fuggi (he cries)...

Pragya lost in the thoughts of them.... She came back to sense when abhi accused her unlucky scene came before her eyes.....

Aarav: maa see my hero...

Abhi shocked to hear the word maa...

Abhi went inside by carrying Aarav in his arms...

Pragya takes Aarav in his arms.... She went inside as she felt Aarav feels sleepy....

She makes him sleep and she came outside....

She determined to face abhi....

Pragya came outside....

Abhi didn't wasted single second he just crushed pragya in the name of hug....

MY HUSBAND (OS/TS) BOOKWhere stories live. Discover now