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Let's get into the story...

Abhi / Pragya's POV....

I called my boss to the restaurant... My boss asked me why.. I replied I want to say something important....

Without asking much question my boss agreed.. I made a quick plan to propose my boss...

Inside I get so much fear for my boss's reaction...

My boss entered inside... Looking into my boss's face I guess my boss is confused about the decorations....

Gathering all my strength I starts to confess my love....

I: boss I know you are so confused to see this decorations... Actually I did this to say what is inside my heart.....

My boss: tell me fast...

I: I know you are the top most in business, you are so rich and I'm just a middle class.. But don't think me wrong... Because heart don't know whether your soulmate is rich or poor... In my life money never matters... For me money is a need for part of life but it's not life.... I know you hate middle class people... In fact I hate you for this but I don't know when my poor heart fallen for you... (My heart beats fast)... Yes I fallen for you... I love you so much Miss Pragya Arora....

(yes guys Pragya is the boss and Abhi is secretary....Pragya can save abhi from falling 😜..She can be friend with Purab.. Even Abhi can cook.. 😁)...

End of Abhi's POV...

Pragya shocked to hear this... She didn't expect this from him...

Abhi looks at her brown eyes which he fallen for her....

He felt his cheeks are burning... Yes Pragya slapped Abhi....

Abhi holds his burning cheek and looks at Pragya in teary eyes...

Pragya holds his collar...

Pragya: how dare you to propose me.... Do you know who am I???... I'm the queen of this business world... A very rich women... Where you get this much guts to propose me.... Middle man like you should know your status... Oh I see you thought to become rich by marrying me!!!!.... Never ever... I won't accept a middle class people like you....

Saying this pragya went from there ......Abhi sit on the floor with heart broken...

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