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Thank you so much dear friends who read, voted and commented 😘😘😘😘

I'm overwhelmed seeing the Response to the story.. Thanks for this Friends!!!

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Happy Reading!!! 😀😀


Let's Get Into The story...

Abhi smiles at Aditi.. He felt so happy seeing her happiness...

"By the way Aditi you're exactly like me.. I Mean I also have so much attitude with arrogance.. Don't tell me you're coying my style" asks Abhi with a smile...

"Mr Handsome I'm not copying you.. But my mom told me once that .. I'm like my papa" smiles Aditi...

"Really???.. OK By the way why you're here??" asks Abhi..

"You don't know?? I'm learning in this academy... I love Music!" squeals Aditi...

Abhi smiles at her..

"So what type of Music you love Aditi??" asks Abhi...

"I love Rock Music!!! By the way you know what is Rockstar music??" Aditi Questioned Abhi...

Abhi looks at her in shock...

"Mr Handsome looking at your reaction I guess you heard first time about this Rock Music.. Never mind I'll teach you OK!" Tells Aditi....

Abhi smiles at her... Suddenly the bell rings...

"Uffoo Bell rings... If I'm late that Octopus won't leave me! Ok Bye Mr Handsome ...By the way Thanks for the chocolate!" Aditi Runs from there giving flying kiss to Abhi...

Abhi waves bye to her...

Abhi went to select the student for his album...

Next Day...

In Luthra's Music Industry...

Abhi enters inside the Industry... He thought anyhow he will convince Pragya soon... That is when he is walking on the corridor.. He saw Arjun Hugging Pragya... Abhi fumes in anger...

Inside Pragya's Cabin..

"OMG thank you so much Pragya.. Because of you Maya Got Convinced... I'm really Happy Princess thank you" still Hugging her...

"It's Ok arjun!" smiles Pragya that is when she noticed Abhi watching them... Pragya don't know what to do... She can able to see Pain and Hurt in his eyes...

Abhi moves from there... Pragya breaks the hug.. And she looks at the way Abhi went... Later Arjun, Abhi and Rithik discussed about the Album ....

Whenever Abhi see Arjun Unknown anger engulfed him... He just wants to break his bones for Hugging His Pragya...

It's a Break for them... Pragya walk towards the Corridor that is when a Strong pairs of Arms pulled her inside a cabin... Pragya shocked.. It's none other then Abhi... After seeing it's Abhi she get relaxed...

"Why the hell he hugs you.. Who the hell he is?? always trying the Ways to Touch you????" asks Abhi furiously punching the wall... Pragya shocked to see his furious...

She pushed him...

"why the hell it's matters to you ha???" asks Pragya...

"Yes it's matters to me because I love you.. I can't able to see you with others... I'm selfish about you.. I want you back Pragya ...please Come back to me!" shouts Abhi...

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