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Let's Get Into The Story...

Ragini reached the temple... Ragini is waiting for them..

"Where the hell that Abhi takes my Pragya?? Still they didn't reached... I still can't believe that how Pragya fallen for Abhi???"

That is when she Saw AbhiGya is coming there ...And she fumes when Abhi entwins their fingers together.. Pragya smiled at him... Abhi returned a Smile...

"Oh God always sticking to my Daughter!"

Later they starts to climb the steps.. After some steps Pragya felt so tired... That is when Abhi scooped her in his arms and starts to Climb the steps... Pragya looks into his eyes deeply.. She blushed.. Abhi smiles at her...

After Getting Dharshan from God they returned to the home

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After Getting Dharshan from God they returned to the home... That is when Abhi gets the call from his office so he went there convincing Pragya...

Later at Night..

Pragya Furiously Marching inside her room waiting for Abhi.. Still he didn't reached.. It's 30 past 11 still he didn't reached nor he is attending the call...

"Let him come.. I'll show  who I am??"

That is when Abhi came inside the room all tired...

"Baby actually.. I'm sorry na... Strucked with the meeting baby!" tells Abhi...

"Can't you just Ignore the meeting?? For God sake we are married just a day before... You're so mahan na??" saying this she pulls his collar and walks towards the bathroom pulling him ... She closed the door...

After an Hour later they both came outside... Pragya is blushing... Abhi falls on the bed all tired...

Pragya smiles at him and topples him and kissed all over his face...

"I love you so much Abhi!" tells Pragya Nuzzling his neck... Abhi groans in the pleasure...

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MY HUSBAND (OS/TS) BOOKWhere stories live. Discover now