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Let's get into the story...

Continuation of Abhi's POV...

I'm sorry pragya... I'm so sorry..... I didn't mean to hurt you.... (he kissed the photo).... I can't hate you pragya because I love you so much..... I love you.... Yes I love you by soul and by mind..... You are my life line pragya....

I always hurted you with my sharp words.... But it's not from my heart pragya..... Whenever I hurt you my heart bleeds to see your painful face.....

Because I'm a cursed soul... Because of me my loved ones leave in this world.... First my Mom.... Then My Siya.....

Yes my Siya... My first love.... I saw her in my college in America.... I fall for her in first instance.... To my shock she is my classmate ...

She is very kind and lovable person....She is such a innocent soul like my pragya it makes me to fall for her more.... Later we both became friends....

My life was so blissful after she came into my life...Days passed... She confessed me that she loves me so much....

I too confessed my love for her.... We became crazy lovers....

Our life is so beautiful until that black day came into my life... I never thought I'll be seperated from my Siya....

It's a day where I planned to give a surprise for Siya.... I arranged for an date....

I called her from unknown number saying that I met with an accident.... She rushed the spot with her scooty.... But destiny played it's ugly game....

She met with an accident before reaching here... She leave me in this world alone...

It's like a dream to me... I never thought my Siya will leave me like this... But she left...

After that I was been in the deep depression.....I can't able to come out of that deep sorrow...

I completed my degree and return back to India... I never shared about Siya with anyone rather than purab...

After reaching India my papa announced my marriage with My Pragya... First I didn't accepted her because I can't able to come out from my Siya...

Later because of my papa I accepted her.... I never interested in that marriage... But that time I don't know I'm going to fall for this adorable soul My Pragya....

On my suhagraat I have told everything about Siya to pragya... I guess she hurted alot by me... I can able see love, longing in her eyes....

I also said to her that I can't be a good husband to her... I has see her painful face which kills me... I don't know why I felt like that....

Later I starts to concentrate on my work.... But I can't able to forget my Siya... I immerse myself in work....

Pragya she is really a magic.... I know I never seen her as my wife but she never forget to do her duties to me....

She takes care of me like my mom did.... I starts to feel for her but I got fear what if she too leaves me..... At one step at time she confessed me ....My fear increases day by day....

I starts to ignore her I don't want to lose her too... I hurted her with my sharp words... I get pain when I see her crying eyes which longs only love from me but I'm just hurting her....

She is so innocent in everything.... At one step at time I fallen in love with her.... Yes I loved Siya but I loving Pragya more than anyone...I used to admire her without her knowledge....she is such a beautiful girl....

She cooks for me, she helps to choose my dress, she'll wait for me to have dinner, I like her when she hugs me and even when she kiss me

....I got addicted to her presence but I never said this to her..... I know I can never forget Siya but now my life is full of my jaau My pragya.... I can't live without her...

But I can't confess my love... Because I fear.... What if she too leaves me like My Mom and Siya did... I don't want to get another heartbreak again.... I don't want to leave my wife....

Yes I'm hurting her... But I don't want my pragya to leave me....

I'm sorry pragya... I'm sorry....

End of Abhi's POV....

Abhi cried and he hugged pragya's photo and he slept......This all heared by our pragya.... 😯

Next Morning....

It's a blissful Morning where pragya came back to their room... She saw abhi sleeping peacefully...

She went near and sat beside his side ....She carees his head.... She kissed his forehead....

Pragya (herself)... I'm so happy today because I came to know what in his heart.... (she sheds happy tears)... Pagal husband can't you confess me.... Why you want to hurt you and me....

Why you fear for leaving me... I won't leave you at any cost... Yes Siya went away from you.. It doesn't mean I too leave you... Never ever abhi... I won't leave you in this world....

My wish is to live happiest life with you and our kids.... Let me take out your fear.... Before that I want to make you confess your love for me....

(she smiles)... Thanks abhi for loving me this much.... I never thought you'll give your love a second chance to me...

I will never leave you for anyone.... You are mine pagal.... But you want to compensate for my cryings... You are so perfect in your acting I can't able to see your real nature..... But I really blessed to be your love....

Saying this she slightly pecked his lips.....

Pragya (herself)... Now I know what should I do to make you confess your love for me....

She came out from their room....

She calls someone..

Pragya: hello...

Someone: hello pragya..


To be continued....

What will happen next??..

What is pragya's plan???..

Will Abhi leave his fear and confess his love for pragya???....

One more shot is left with this guys.... Next one will be the last one....


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