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Let's get into the story.....

Pragya is still in the Thoughts of Abhi....

Pragya (herself)... How I'll convince Aarav.... Where I'll bring his father???.....daily I'm giving false hope about his father....

Pragya carees his forehead....

Pragya: I must handle him....

Soon she drifted to sleep....


In Mumbai....

A balcony is shown where we can see a man looking deeply on the moon ....Its abhi...

His face explains an unknown pain.... His eyes has no emotions.... He deeply looking at the moon may be he is sharing his pain to moon 🌙....

Abhi (himself).... I lost it.... I lost it.... I didn't lost in my passion I'm the captain of Indian team but I lost in my life.... I lost a colour in my life.... I'm just a body with no emotions.... She left.... She left me (he cries)... She - one who gave emotions in me.... I throwed her out.... Because of my stupidity....

Usually I wont took my anger on her but on that day I lost my control.... I spitted venomous words to her.... She would have broken..... She is my lucky charm but I said her she is my unlucky.... How bad I'm.....

Where are you pragya???? ....why you leave me alone in this world again??? should have slapped me right???.... I deserve more from you pragya.... Why you left me???.... I can't able to live without you anymore.... Please come back with me pragya.... Where I'll search for you???....

He cries... He went inside his room.... Just then his friend purab came.... He shocked to see abhi in broken state....

Purab: abhi...

Abhi: I lost her purab... I lost her...

Purab: abhi please!!!... Stay calm we'll search pragya di soon...

Abhi: how purab???... When I throwed her out so badly, now I don't have any belief that I'll find her....

Purab: have faith on your love abhi....

Abhi: that is the only belief I have now purab....

Purab: OK sleep well ....tomorrow we have to go to banglore right???....

Abhi nods and drifted to sleep....


In Banglore....

In morning....

In pragya's house.....

Pragya is busy feeding her son who is watching the cricket match...

Aarav squeals in joy by looking at the screen....

Aarav: maa it's six.. From my hero...

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