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Thank you So much dear friends who Read, voted and Commented ❤️..

Let's get into the story


A screen Opens with a Beautiful Mansion It's an Mehra Mansion...

"No No Mom please it's all because of me!" tells a Man who in his mid twenties to His mom Ragini who is Sitting on the bed with a sad face..

She cups His Face hiding her Inner Pain she smiled a Little which didn't reached Her Eyes...

"No Abhi.. It's not your fault!" said Abhi's Mom...

"No Mom whatever you say... You went the Mental Taruma only because of Me.. I knew it!!" said Abhi were his Eyes starts to shed Fresh tears...

Ragini wipes His tears...

"You don't worry mom.. I'll bring back you to Normal" Abhi tells confidentiality...

Ragini nods giving him a little smiles...Abhi kissed her forehead...

He Went out from the room and He takes his Mobile from his Pocket and He dials someone...

"Hello!! Purab... Immediately I need a physiotherapist for Mom!! She should get well Soon...24/7 Nurse and also a physiotherapist who will treat my Mom daily!!" He said...

"Don't worry Abhi ...I'll arrange everything!!" Purab said from the other side...

Abhi went back to his Room after giving Food to Ragini...

He closed the door and He moves inside his Wardrobe and He takes some photographs....

"Why you left me Maya!! Why ?? You promised me that you won't leave me but why you broke my promise...You really think I can live without you!!! God why you snatched my love from me!!" Abhi sobs over his Late Girlfriend Maya...

Maya died in an Deadly Accident...Abhi loves her so much...Till now his love for her never decreased... After Her death Abhi stepped into Mental Taruma...He couldn't able to come out from Maya's Death....He Left dead inside... Seeing Abhi's Condition Ragini get so Worried about Abhi and she falls from the steps and this leads to her legs get Paralyzed...

Abhi felt so Broken After His Mother legs are Paralyzed....His Mom keep worrying for Abhi...His mom needs to see His Marriage soon...  Ragini is so Happy with Abhi's love for Maya...She too agreed for their marriage but they never thought Maya will be taken by God so soon....

For Abhi, He won't love Anyone other than Maya....Still He Loves her Truely...And He is determined that he won't allow Anyone in his Life again...Ragini so worried about his life...


Next Day, Purab arranged for a Doctor and a Nurse to take care of Ragini...

"Haa Purab!! When doctor will come!!" Abhi asked to Purab...

"Abhi!! Few Minutes!! They're in Their way!!"

Just then, the doctor and Nurse reached Abhi's Home..

The doctor is None other than Pragya along with Her nurse...Abhi welcomed them inside... Pragya smiles a little...

"You must Be Abhisek right?" Pragya Asked with a smile

"Yeah!! Your name!!" Asked Abhi

"I'm Pragya!! Pragya Arora!!" Pragya tells..Abhi nods...

"Shall we see Mrs Ragini?" Pragya Asked..Abhi nods and Abhi shows the Room...

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