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Lets get into the story....

@ kommunity...

Pragya completed her speech with the heavy Appaluse..she felt so happy....yes she loves to read books and also write stories and poems....

With a happy face she looks at her Abhi who also happy for her...

She must agree because of him she is more confident today....where she delivered her speech with the happy note..

she came down and sat on her seat..She turns towards Abhi who is gesturing her as good...she felt her cheeks are heating up with the red shades...

"I never noticed the red shade and your shining face before your boyfriend came here" her friend teased her where she blushed even more....

After one by one everyone talented speakers completed there speech and the program comes to an end...everyone starts to disperse from there...

Pragya after talking with her friend she saw her hero who is here only for her..For her happiness..She runs towards him and hugs him tightly.....He too responeded the hug....Looking at the surrounding they broke the hug....

They moves to the parking slot...Even some of their fans clicked their photos...

Abhi is driving the car...Pragya is sitting beside him...Their journey is silent...

Abhi: Pretty you are still upset with me???? (he asked with the pout)..

Though she is not upset with him she loves to play with him...

She turns her face and starts looking out....

Abhi turns the car in the opposite side of their home...Pragya mentally smiled seeimg the route but she maintained the upset face..she knows where he is taking her...Its their favorite restaurant ...Their they can have their privacy.....

The car stopped at the restaurant...

Abhi came outside and he came towards pragya's side and he opens the car and he forwards his hand for her to hold....

she looks at him..He winks at her..She smiles and placed her hand on his hand....

they locks the car and went inside...They booked the corner table which is seperated by other table....

they placed their orders....And waited for the food to come....

They both look into each other eyes..Abhi cant take her silence anymore...

Abhi: Pragya look at me???..still you are upset with me???

he keenly looking at her eyes...HE can see the naughtiness and happiness in her eyes...He came to know that she is not upset with him and she is indeed happpy..

MY HUSBAND (OS/TS) BOOKWhere stories live. Discover now