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Let's get into the story .......

A big mansion is shown.... If we peep in we can able to see an handsome man knocking the door.... It's abhisek Prem mera aka Abhi The Rock Star....

Just then his friend cum brother came there.... It's purab...

Purab laughed seeing abhi....

Abhi gets irked by see his laugh....

Abhi: why are you laughing???...

Purab: because no man will be out from his room... That too in night....

Abhi: Woh... Is it???... Then why you are here???... Is your wife bulbul... Throwed you out???...

Purab: no.. No.. Abhi not like you.... I'm came here to drink water.... By the way all the best man....

Abhi again starts to knock the door....

Abhi: baby please open the door... Please... I'm sorry I won't do like this again... It's a promise on me... Please open pragya baby....

He doesn't know what to do to convince his wife pragya....

He is damn sure that his wife won't open the door... So he went to other side of the room and climbs towards the window to his room....

Thankfully he went inside the room...

He shocked to see the things coming towards him...

( 👞👟👠👜📗⚽📏📏📏🔪🔪)..

Thankfully he escaped from those things....

Abhi shocked to see his fuggy in angry avatar because of his act...

Pragya came towards abhi and holds his collar... She starts to give slaps.... Abhi didn't react much....

Pragya: how dare you to do like this.... How can you do this to me???... You don't love me right so only you did like this.... You hate your wife right???...

Abhi: no no baby... How can I hate you when I love you so much....

Pragya pushed him...

Pragya starts to cry....

Pragya: no you are saying lie... If you love me na won't do this to me....

Abhi smacks his head he doesn't know what to do now...

Abhi just pulls pragya for the hug.....

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