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Let's get into the story....

Pragya: Bulbul please talk to me...

Bulbul: don't say my name in your mouth... I didn't thought I'll have a friend who never trust anyone who she loved...

Pragya: Bulbul please!!!... End this topic... I don't want to talk about this... Everything is over...

Bulbul: Yah it should be over...

Pragya: anyways I missed you so much.... Please talk to me Bulbul.... I can't live without talking to you...

Bulbul hugs her even though she is angry on her but she is her friend...

They both have emotional hug...

Later Bulbul takes Pragya to meet Purab and disha's son...

Pragya is so happy for her friends.... Bulbul takes pragya to the room where Pragya can stay...

While walking Pragya looks around and searches for someone....

Bulbul noticed pragya searching someone and she knows Who is that. Yah it's Abhi...

Bulbul: we came..

Still pragya looks around...

Bulbul shooks her...

Pragya came out from her dream land....

Pragya: oh yah...

She enters inside the room...

Bulbul: pragya take rest and get ready for the function in evening...

Saying this Bulbul went from there....

Pragya closes her door... She sits on the bed...

Pragya POV..

Where is he???... Why I should search for him??... He must be busy with his girlfriend ....

Continuation of Past...

It was a bright day... Asusal college starts and students starts to concentrate on studies.... Usually Pragya and Abhi will meet in between the break and lunch times...

On that day Abhi didn't came to visit her... She get upset on him... She came to know that he is in auditorium...

She rushed there.... She shocked to see the scene in front of her... She never felt that her Abhi will do this to her....

Abhi is hugging Tanu ... And she hears Abhi saying that Don't worry Tanu... You know right I love you.... I'll be there for you...

Pragya felt heartbroken and felt cheated to hear this.....She went from there....

After that Abhi came to her... He saw her sitting on the bench...

He came and sit next to her and pulls her towards him...

Pragya pushed him and she stood ....

Abhi thought she might be angry because he didn't came to meet her...

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