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Happy Reading!!!!..😃😃


Let's get into the story...

Both AbhiGya bid from the party together...

Abhi said to Pragya that he'll drop her in her home.. She happily agreed because she loves to spend time with him.. Most importantly alone!!..

They started in the car.... It's a dark night where stars are shining in the big sky.. The cool breeze flowing which will definitely make the atmosphere so romantic...

Abhi ons the MP3 player with a smooth romantic music... Both of them smiles and blushed seeing each other... Abhi thought it's a right time to tell her about his feelings for her... He is sure that he had saw the same feelings for him in her eyes...

With the growing temptation inside both their hearts.. Abhi stopped the car in the isolent place.... Pragya saw his face she knows it's a time for them...

Abhi holds her hand and entiwns it...

Pragya looks into his eyes deeply which is showing so much love and desire in it.. She knows it's only for her but she want to hear from him...

Abhi pulls her towards him closely and he cups her face...

Abhi: Pragya!!! Today I want to tell something important...

She nods...

Abhi: I'm Abhisek Mehra the hero who rules the ITV world but I want you to know that this hero is crazy about someone... It's not someone she is my angel of my life.... She makes my life so colorful and happy... I got everything but somewhere I will think something is incomplete in my life Yah that's true.. Without my angel my life is incomplete.. Without you this Abhisek Mehra is nothing... (Pragya's heart flutters hearing his confession).... Yes Pragya.. You are my angel in my life... This Abhisek Mehra is fallen for you.... I love you pragya...love you so much ......

Abhi confessed his love... They both looks deeply in each other eyes.... Pragya feels her heart beat is raising fast.....

She takes her hand from his grip.. He gets confused 😕..... She came out of his grip and seated back on her seat...

Abhi again pulls her towards him closely he don't want her to move away from him...

Abhi: what happened Pragya??? Why are you moving away from me???... Don't say me you are looking at me only as your friend.... I have seen the same love from your eyes too....

Pragya: Abhi I don't love Abhisek Mehra....

Abhi felt bad because he has noticed the same love in her eyes but now he is confused why she is telling like this...

Abhi cups her face and he carres her cheek...

Abhi: so you don't love me???.. Then what I seen in your eyes???..

Pragya: yes I don't love Abhisek Mehra the super star.... (she stops).... I love only my Abhoo....

Pragya broke into smile.... Abhi shocked and surprised to hear her confession.. In this too she is telling him that she didn't love the hero who loves by everyone she always a unique... She loves Abhi..Her Abhi.. Abhoo.. Only him....

Pragya: hear me super hero... I don't love that Abhisek Mehra who loved by everyone.. But I'm deeply, truly madly in love with my Abhoo... My Abhi.... Ok...

Abhi pulls her into tight hug.... Sriti I mean pragya 😋 readily respond to the hug to cherish the moments...

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