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This is Just a Random Shot..Hope you guys like it...

Let's start the Story

"Maa I'm sorry" Pragya sadly says to Her Mom over the Phone...

"Pragya it's okk...Abhi is Busy na what we can do...It's okk Beta..You don't worry" Priya said convincing Her Daughter Pragya...

"Maa still we Promised that we will Visit there to stay before Bulbul dii's Marriage but" Pragya says sadly..

"Arrey its Okk Pragya Abhi's meeting is also Important na...You come here when you Both are Free" Priya said...

"Okk maa...But we will come soon..Okk" Pragya said disconnecting Her call...

She and Her RockStar Husband was planned to Visit Her Native...Its Been a Month of two when they got married...This is the First time they planned to visit There...

Her Husband Promised that He will take Her to Her native Village today but He just broke Her promise...He could've just avoided the Meeting for Her.. She not gonna forgive Him for breaking her promise... She's Upset with Him...

"How can he do this to me ..I'm not gonna Forgive Him" She fumed thinking about Her Rockstar Husband... Later she went downstairs and the Day passed with Her In-laws...

In the Evening Abhi came back from the Meeting Furiously...He is not in a Good Mood... Because of the Continuous Meeting His Mood sucks and His Energy is completely drained...He enters inside the Room as he looks for His wife...

He sighs in disappointed...He Always wants Her to be inside their room after he comes back from His work... Because He wants to see Her blissful smile which will gives his energy back....

And he knows he have Hurted Her breaking the promise which he made to Her...

He moves to the dressing Table..He starts to remove His dog tags, bracelet, etc....He looks at the doorsteps seeing His wife Coming inside with a Cup of Coffee...

He turns as he looks at Her...Neither she looks at Him or She smiled at Him...He felt Bad...He removes His shirt showing His well Built Body...She looks at him but soon she looks away...

She moves towards him as she forwarded the Coffee to Him...He takes it from Her Hand as He placed it on the side table....She starts to move but Abhi Holds Her hand as He pulls her towards Him...He hugs Her from Back...

She tries to Move out from His Hug but she couldn't...

"Baby Pls Listen to me" He says Her...She tries to push His hand back which is On Her Belly.... Seeing Her pushing Him he became furious...He holds Her even more Tightly...

Finally She Pushed His hand as she came out From His Grip...

"Baby" He calls Her...

"Don't talk with Me!!" She says Looking at Him...

"Baby I'm sorry...You know na it's important meeting" He tries to hold Her hand but she steps back Glaring at Him...

"Yes For you meeting is so important than Me!!" She Said....Abhi looks at Her...

"Baby it's not like that ..I'm sorry" He comes close to Her...She pushes Him back...He gets furious Seeing Her Pushing Him...

"Heyy Why you're reacting like this?? I told you right...It's an important meeting..Then why are you reacting like this Pragya??" Abhi asked Her calm yet in a Furious tone...

"Oh so I'm over reacting?? What you did is right and I'm wrong right??" She asks Him furiously...

"Yes...For me Work is so important!" He shouts at Her...She Glared at Him...

MY HUSBAND (OS/TS) BOOKWhere stories live. Discover now