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Let's Get into the Story...

Pragya droves to the place while her daughter keep on scolding that Unknown stranger...

She smiles at her... She really wants to See that Stranger Who is so attitude like her daughter.. She keeps those thoughts aside when they reached the place...

The beautiful mansion is shown with the name plate Luthra....

And beside that Luthra mansion we can able to see a Small yet beautiful Pendent Home... Aditi runs inside the Luthra mansion...

Pragya sighs and she Parks her car beside the small Home looks like its her home... And then she enters inside Luthra Mansion...

"Buddy!" squeals Aditi..

That's is when the tall handsome man came out ...He Takes Aditi in his arms and he twirls her..

Aditi laughs and she kissed his cheeks... The man is none other than Arjun...

"Pragz!!!" he went towards her and side hugged her...

"Thank God you came early... I don't know how I'm gonna Convince Maya... You only should help me please!!" begs Arjun...

"Arjun you really think I'll help you.. It's your mistake to ignore her!" Tells Pragya thoughtfully...

"But you're my Girl na please help me na" asks Arjun with a sad Face with the hope that Pragya will help him...

"But Arjun Maya Booked me before.. So I promised her to help me!" reasoned Pragya...

"What!!...But you are my friend!"

"But I'm her Friend first!"

"This is not fair Pragz!"

"Wait let me think.. You take her to date...Im sure you'll convince her!" tells Pragya...

"Wow Pragya you are my Princess forevet.. Thank you Pragz" screams Arjun... He went from there...

Just then Rithik and shivaya came there...

"Baby doll you go and play with Sam!" tells Rithik to Aditi.. Shivaya kissed her forehead...

"Princess Why you went there alone.. I should have accompanied you na!" asked Rithik to Pragya...

"Come-on Rithik.... I'm not a kid!" pouts Pragya cutely...

"But you are always my Little Princess na!" tells Rithik...

Shivaya smiles at their bond....

"Oh Rithik" Pragya Hugs Rithik her childhood Best friend...

And Arjun is Rithik's Brother... When Abhi throws her out of his home They are the one who helps Pragya... They both are shocked to see Pragya's state..

She is broken beyond repair... They both are like more brothers to her.... They consoles her...

After many more days she become normal that's when she become pregnant.....They both takes care of her like a Princess..

Maya Pragya's best friend from college Helps Pragya alot... Soon Rithik got married to Shivaya.. They all takes care of Pragya like a Princess...

But often Pragya cries in aquish... She couldn't able to Forgive or Forget Abhi.. She loves him truly... Till now.. She can't able to forgive Abhi...

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