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Let's get into the story....

In Pragya's office...

It's been three days after Abhi said he is going to marry a girl whom his mother choosed for him....

But one corner of heart she felt happy that still Abhi loves her... That makes her so confident...

She wants Abhi in her life anyhow... She is not a girl who leave her love for someone... She is pragya she'll will get what she wants...

She determined she'll get abhi anyhow....

She is walking inside her cabin restlessly.... Every minute she is looking at the door of her cabin...

Tomorrow is Abhi's marriage... Just then her friend Purab came inside her cabin panting heavily ...

Pragya rushed to Purab...

Pragya: what happened Purab???....

Purab: yes you are right Pragya... Your guess is right... She is a cheat... She cheated her boyfriend and now she is going to marry Abhi... She takes more money from her boyfriend and she ditched him... Now she is going to marry Abhi....

Pragya smiles...

Pragya: now I'll get my Abhi... How dare she plans to cheat My Abhi... Purab is our plan is ready???...

Purab nods...

Purab: I'm so happy for you Pragya... Abhi is such a nice guy... You are so lucky... I'm so happy that he has changed this arrogant lady into love sick puppy....

Pragya slightly beats Purab and she blushes.....

With Abhi...

He is so heart broken... When pragya confessed her love he felt top of the world... But he had given his promise to his mom that he'll marry a girl whom she chooses...

He cannot forget his Pragya.... He felt dead inside... Still he hopes some miracle will happen in his life....

He drifted to sleep....

Next Morning....

Abhi's Marriage day....

It's a simple marriage... Abhi seated in the mandap... Bride is brought down by her friends... Sarla felt so happy....

They about to take seven rounds around the fire... Just then they heard "STOP"...

Everyone looks at the entrance they saw police there....

Police came there and said to everyone that the bride is cheated many man's life by marrying them.... They showed a proofs ...

Police: Mr. Abhi say thanks to Pragya Arora she is the one who helped us to caught this lady...

Everyone felt so shocked.... They arrested the girl and went from there....

Sarla felt so sad for her son....

Just then Pragya came their with Purab... Abhi felt so happy to see pragya...

Sarla went to Pragya...
She hugs Pragya..

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