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Let's get into the story....

Abhi / Pragya's POV...

It is the beautiful Monday Morning where the sun shines with its golden rays and both side of the road is filled with green grass where the dew drops over them and faint chirping of the birds is still hearing in my ears ...

Hii guys I'm driving my old scooter to reach my destination in time... I was neatly dressed in formal dress for my work...

Let me introduce myself... I'm **** came from the Middle class family... My life revolves around only my mom sarla... She is my hope and my everything...

My father died recently where I came to take the responsibility of my father's place in my family...

We are not a rich family but a small happy family with my mom and dad...

I never thought my dad will die suddenly due to cardiac arrest....

Being a pamper child to my parents I was forced to take the responsibility of my mom... She is alone now.. I want to take care of her...

I applied for the job in the reputed company... I was a lecturer in the reputed college...

I love to teach students but the salary is not sufficient when my mom been paralyzed...

I need to operate her for that I need money so I went to look for vacancy in one of the reputed top most company in Mumbai...

I waited in the reception for the boss's call... I prayed to God to get me this job...

Once my name announced I prayed to the Ganesha idol which is before me... And I knocked the boss cabin...

I heared my boss called me inside... I enter inside to saw my boss sitting on chair in an bossy style...

My boss asked me to take a seat.. By looking at my boss I came to know that my boss is spoiled brat because when I greeted my boss, my boss didn't give any attention to me..

I don't like my boss's attitude...

My boss is going through my files...My boss well dressed in business suit... I have seen a smirk on my boss's lips while seeing my file...

At last my boss's brown eyes gazed at me... My boss's first question hurts me... My boss asked me am I middle class???...

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