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Thank you so much dear friends who voted, read and commented.....


Silent readers do vote if you like..... Please 😊😊😊


After reaching 55+ votes I'll update the next part......


Let's get into the story.....

In American University.....

A girl around 20 walking in the campus with books in her hand..... It's pragya guys....

While passing through the corridor one hand stops her.....By seeing the person her anger aroused.... Want to see the person....

It's abhi guys.....

Pragya: how many times I have to tell you abhi???.... I don't love you.... Just leave me alone....

Abhi: why are you saying this often dear.... Why you don't like me??....

Pragya: stop calling me dear.... I hate it when you call this word....

Abhi: pragya if you can't accept my proposal then why can't we be friends like before....

Pragya: I thought you as my good friend.... But you betrayed me by having feelings for me.....

Abhi: pragya please don't speak like this..... It hurts.... OK you don't want to agree to my proposal.... But please talk to me like before..... Please... (with hope)...

Pragya: stop it.... I don't want to be anyone's friend.... Especially you..... Don't come to me here after......

Abhi had tears in his eyes... Pragya went inside her classroom...

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