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Let's get into the story...

"Abhi Meet your New Friend!" Ragini Mehra tells to a Cute little Naughty ABHI who is Three years old...

Abhi looks at the Cute Little Girl around his Age with her Two Pony and she looks too chubby and She tightly Holding Her Mom's Hand...

"Pragya say Hello To Abhi!" Tells PRIYA lightly pushing her before Abhi... Abhi looks at her Curiously... Pragya Cutely smiles at Abhi...

"But Mumma I don't want to be her Friend!!she is a Girl maa then My friends will will tease me na!" He said to His Mom holding Her hands...

Pragya pouts sadly.. She Hugs her Moms Legs... She starts to cry... Abhi felt bad seeing her like this...

"Mumma you said When we come to this New City I will get new Friend but see na he is saying he will Not be my friend!" She weeps and Hugs her Mom Tightly...

Abhi gets sad seeing her like this ....Ragini Glared at him lightly... She Sits before Abhi and she takes Chocolate bar and Gives to Him... She nods her head...

"Sorry Mumma!" Little Abhi said... And He Turns and Moves towards Pragya... He taps her Shoulder.. She Stops her Crying and She turns and looks at Abhi with a Cute Little pout...Abhi felt its too Cute seeing her Red nose And cheeks...

He Forwarded the Chocolate and Pragya takes it happily smiling at him..He forwards His Hands before her...She smiles And shakes her hand with Him....

Priya and Ragini smiles at them... That day they Never know whatever happens their friendship Going to grown even more and More...

Days starts to roll Priya and Ram along with Pragya residented beside Mehras Mansion....Both Abhi and Pragya become best friends....Both used to play together and Abhi pampered Pragya alot...Their parents are already friends they felt so happy with Abhi and Pragya's Friendship....

Pragya Become Little Princess in Mehra Mansion..She is Favourite for Ragini and Neil so as Abhi in Aroras....

Now Both Abhi and Pragya in their Fifth standard...

In Their School...

We can able to see Cute Little Pragya who looking Absolutely Cute in her two pony tail....she is walking through her school's Corridor...

She is Searching her best Friend Abhi...He has been Missing From the Morning....By the way she saw One of her classmate...

"Hey Kavya..Did you see My Friend Abhi" Pragya Asked in a cute tone...

"Yes Pragya I seen him with Jennifer in the playground" Kavya said...

Pragya cutely frowns hearing the name Jennifer....She hates her so much...

"Okk Kavya thank you!" Pragya walks to Playground...

Pragya saw Abhi and Jennifer who is Happily talking with eachother....

"Abhi thanks for helping me solving this problem... You're such a sweetheart!" Jennifer Smiles looking at Abhi...Abhi smiles lightly...

Pragya walks towards them and she pushed Jennifer who is sitting beside Abhi...Abhi shocked to see this...Jennifer stood up dusting Her back..She fumes at Pragya...

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