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Let's get into the story....

In morning....

Abhi wakes up from his sleep and he felt something clinching on him....

He opens his eyes and saw pragya sleeping peacefully by keeping her head on his chest....

He tries to release her from his grip... But she further smuggles towards him....

After so much struggle he get down from bed....

After sometimes pragya gets up.... She saw abhi coming from wardrobe in his casuals she can't stop admiring him.... She smiles at him....

But abhi silently went downstairs... Pragya got ready and she went down and made breakfast....

They completes the breakfast....

They got the call from Neil mehra.... He asked abhigya to come to the house as there is an important function of his friend....

Pragya gets ready and came outside and she saw abhi struggling to tie the tie....

He gets irritated by his tie....

Pragya smiles and went towards abhi...

Pragya: if you don't mind shall I tie your tie....

Abhi looks on and he nods his head....

Pragya ties his tie.....

After sometimes they went to Mehra mansion....

Dadi and Alia welcomed them...

Alia hugs abhi and pragya...

Alia: bhai bhabhi I missed you guys so much....

Pragya: don't worry Alia we came right....

Alia: come bhabi I want to talk to you so much....

Alia drags pragya to her room ....

Neil: Abhi, is pragya is happy with you??? ...

Abhi don't know what to say.... He lied....

Abhi: ha papa... We are so happy with each other....

Abhi smiles....

Just then abhi hears his friend purab calling him...

Abhi hugs him....

Purab: hey abhi how are you man.... Long time no see...

Abhi: sir is so busy I guess....

Purab: that I want to say to you bhai.... (he winks)... So busy with pragya bhabhi???...

Abhi: purab tum bhi na...

Purab: Acha bhai don't blush...

Abhi stares at him...

After sometimes the functions starts.... Abhi and purab chat with each other and spend time with each other after so long....

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