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Let's get into the story...


It's been One Month since I got discharged from the hospital after the Accident... Still I couldn't even remember how I End up in that accident... Something as changed in my life...

My mom said I forgot my memory for One Year... Still I couldn't believe that Bulbul is not in Our Life... I couldn't even Guess what happen to Our Bulbul.. My family is Hiding something from me.. I can Feel it...

A MISS IN MY LIFE... I CAN FEEL A VOID IN MY LIFE .... Many times I asked to my Mom that Did she hide something with me.. She Consoles me that Nothing really happened in My Life.. But I couldn't believe it Completely...

But my Inner Gut feeling always says that something is Hidden from me... In this Past one Month I got a Several flashes which is Not Clear to me ..The Flashes like I being close to someone... But I couldn't able to see whose face is that... SOMEONE IS SO CLOSE TO ME.. But WHO IT CAN BE???

Her Thoughts breaks when she hears her mom's voice.. Sarla sits beside pragya carressing her hair... Pragya smiles at her..

"What are you thinking beta!" She asked..

"Nothing mom.. I'm just confused.. Can you tell me really nothing happened to me in this One year!!" asked Pragya with a Hesitation...

"Beta nothing as happened like you think....Why are you always thinking about that!! ...Nothing to worry about it!" she said...

"OK Mumma ....Im not worrying but always I getting several flashes like I (She hesitated a little) being close to someone!" she said...

Sarla shocked hearing this...

"Not again I won't Allow Abhi to enter in her Life...Because of Him My Daughter Always ends up in trouble!" she determined...

"Nothing to worry beta...You take rest ok!" She kissed her forehead...

"Teek hai Maa but Maa I decided to continue my Job in College..Its getting too bore sitting at Home all day!" said Pragya...

"ok beta!!" saying this Sarla went from there..

"Pragya Gonna continue her job in college and I must Make sure everything is Fine in College.. I should request to the Principal that no-one should ask about Abhi and their marriage to Pragya!" Sarla decided...



It's been one month I can't able to believe that I'm still alive without my fuggi... It's like Hell without my Fuggi.. She Forgot everything about Me, My Love, Our Marriage, Our Bond everything!!..

Why Fate has to Play this Ugly game to seperate me from my Fuggi ....Everything Went well.. We Both cleared all our Misunderstanding but why??? Why?? I want to separate from my Pragya...

Why?? I have been missing her like anything... Without My Fuggi this Rockstar is Nothing...

I Miss her Hugs, Her Kiss, Her Anger, Her Care, Her cuddles with me, I missed sleeping in her Lap, her Chasma, her big big eyes, everything... Why fuggi why you are not with me??

MY HUSBAND (OS/TS) BOOKWhere stories live. Discover now