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Let's get into the story....

Days passed ....Its been a month after the serial kicked started..... .Both Abhi and Pragya portrayed the character very beautifully which is loved by the audience where the serial is the super duper hit because of the chemistry between Abhi and Praagya......

For Abhi its really a challenging character for him because his character is potrayed as hero as well as it includes the negative shades in it....Asusal Abhi nailed and even his character negative side also loved by the audience.....

For Pragya its a wonderful start for her career ausual she has been loved by the audience and accepted by them wholeheartedly.....And the directors are proud that they never did any wrong by pairing Abhi and Pragya.....Because the fans of Abhigya reaaly loved their pair and chemistry ..

Both Abhi and Pragya became friends....Even though another actor who plays the lover boy of pragya...She never felt that much comfort with him like she felt with Abhi ....

She herself don't know why she felt this much of comfort with Abhi....She understood that he is the only actor that she felt this much comfort....

With Abhi he is so impressed with Pragya to see her humble and simply nature.....Being a top most heroin she didn't have the single percent of headweight...It impress Abhi so much.....

They used to have food together.....Not forgetting Abhi is the naughtiest person who pulls pragya's leg with his nok nok jokes ...They always have fun together in the sets...

One Day....

Pragya is not normal that day....She is bitting her nails looking at the script paper which is going to shot in next few minutes....By looking at her face we can guess she is panick for something....

So what is the thing which is making Pragya to be tensed???...The shot which Abhi and Pragya going to do is a Most romanctic shot where Both Abhi and Pragya had to lock their lips and have a lip lock....

It's a most important shot for the show.... It is needed.....

Even though Pragya felt comfortable with Abhi but she is little fear of the shot....

She informed her parents about this... They made her feel better with their talks but still she is in tension what will happen next....

The director calls her as the shot is ready..... She takes the deep breath and went to do her shot....

She went there she saw Abhi standing there with his asusal smile on his face which makes her heart flutter.....

By looking at her face he can understand her that she is tensed... Even he knows why she is tensed....

It's Abhigya's first kiss both in Professional and personal which they going to share with each other.... Both Abhi and Pragya never shoted a lip lock scene with any other actor or actress....

This is the first time....

Abhi came towards pragya with a assuring smile on his face....

He came and holds her shoulder where she returns the smile....

He slightly hugged her and pats her back....

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