bookmark || armin arlert x reader

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𝙰𝚛𝚖𝚒𝚗 𝙰𝚛𝚕𝚎𝚛𝚝 𝚡 𝙻𝚒𝚋𝚛𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚊𝚗! 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛

Y/N = Your Name

L/N = Last Name

H/C = Hair Color

H/L = Hair Length

F/B = Favorite Book

(Blue Depths isn't a real book! I think so at least)

~~Let's Begin~~

Armin's POV:

I walked into my favorite library, only to be greeted by my facet worker there, Y/N L/N. "Good afternoon Armin!"

They exclaimed to me, getting something from under the desk. "Hello Y/N. Do you have the new book of the series, Blue Depths?"

"Yep! It came in today! There is 4 open tables by the windows! Have fun!" "Thank you so much! I love y- I mean...I love this books series...!They said to me and handed me the book. "I just need your card..." I handed them my library card and they scanned it. "Alright! The book is yours!"

"Thank you! I should be done in an hour or two!" "Go ahead!" They said and I grabbed a bookmark from the desk and walked to the table.

~Time skip to an hour later~

Y/N's POV:

Everyone had left, so it was just me and Armin in the library. I saw Armin sitting at a table reading. He looks so cute! I walked over to his table and sat down with him. "Hi Armin!"

"Y-Y/N! startled me! Don't you have work?" "I'm on break so I'm reading my favorite book, F/B! So I decided to sit with you!"

"A-Alright! Hey...about what I said earlier...I actually meant something else...I said I love...I was about to say I love you.." "Y-You...Me...Love...?" "Y-Yeah...Your my favorite worker here and you get me so well!" "Armin...I love you too!" I said and pressed a kiss on his cheek.

"I...I think my break is over..." "No...! Please don't go!" Armin said to me and held my hand. "Would you like to go out with me...?"

"Yes!" I said and tackled Armin in a hug. He smiled and kissed my cheek.

"I finished the book so let's go and get some food, yeah?" I nodded and nuzzled into his shoulder. "Darling?" "Yes?" "Can we go back to the desk?" "Mhm..." Armin and I walked back to my desk and we started messing around.

We started quietly laughing even though no one was there. I grabbed a pencil and put it between my nose and top lip and made a weird face and we started laughing again.

I collapsed in his arms from laughing so hard and he held me close to him. He was sitting in an extra chair that I had brought over with wheels.

"Oh god! ARMIN!" I loudly said and we fell over. The wheels had rolled back all the way to the point where Armin had fallen off and since I was laughing on his chest, we both fell off.

We looked at each other for 3 seconds and then bursted into laughter again. We kissed for awhile until I heard a throat clear from the counter. "Ok, ok, take the smooching to the back, it's my shift Y/N. Your free for today."

My co-worker Ymir said to me. "Oh! Ymir! Here give this to Historia, she forgot it at my house at the sleepover." I said to Ymir, handing her a pair of Historia's earrings.

"Thanks. I'll give it to her in 5 minutes- never mind she is here." "Baby! I'm here- oh hi Y/N!" I heard Historia say. "Sweetie, here, Y/N wanted me to give this to you.

You forgot at their house." Ymir said, putting the earrings in Historia's hand and putting an arm around her shoulder. "Who's that?" "Oh this is Armin, my boyfriend!" He nervously waved and the two of them waved back.

"A-Alright! We will be going now!" Armin said, helping me up. He missed my cheek and I got my stuff and we left.

~The End~
A/N: Sorry I haven't updated in SO long! School has been kicking my ass- I hope you like this! It's one of my favorites now 🥺

Next Up: Nightmare! Historia Reiss x Comforting! Reader

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