walls || hanji zoë x female! reader

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𝙷𝚊𝚗𝚓𝚒 𝚉𝚘𝚎̈ 𝚡 𝙵𝚎𝚖! 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛

This is a request by: cserepesmuskatli !
Request: Hanji x Fem! (Angst)
Y/N = Your Name (duh imma stop putting these bc y'all know by now) also I will be using She/They pronouns for Hanji & the reader
<Let's Begin>

Hanji's POV:
"No! Y/N, you aren't going out there!" "Hanji, I'm fine! It's not even that much!"

"You got hurt bad by that explosion! Do you fucking see my eye right now?! It's bandaged up and I can't see with that eye anymore! Your shoulder is not fine!"

I yelled at her, I could see her starting to get frightened by me. I know I'm scary, but I didn't mean to scare them this bad...

"I'm fine-" I touched her shoulder and they squeaked in pain. "Your not fine! Now get to Eren before I make you." I stated, grabbing her waist and zipping over to Eren.

"NO!" She pushed away, zipping house to house, over to Berthold.

"Are you fucking crazy?! We...we lost Moblit...I CAN'T LOOSE YOU TOO!" They stopped in their tracks and flew down through a broken window to a house.

"Y/N...are you ok...?" I questioned, slowly walking towards her. "Hanji..." She pushed me down in a chair and kissed me.

"Stay here." I tried getting up, but I noticed that they had somehow tied me down to the chair. "Darling...? Darling?! Hey where are you going?!"

She pushed the chair with me on it, into a corner and covered me with a tattered, ripped sheet. "I'm not letting you die." "So you go in my place and you could die in the process?!"

"If it's for you...then yes." She zipped out the window, and caught up to the others. I struggled as much as I could, but they had tied the ropes way too tight.

Y/N's POV:
I quickly caught up to Mikasa, and...Armin and Erwin...they- "This is the Titan serum. We only have one. Who we choose, will eat Berthold." Levi stated, looking at Eren, Mikasa, and I.

"Where is Hanji." Levi asked, his gaze directing to me. "I...don't know." I lied, looking down. "Save Armin." Mikasa said, with a dark aura surrounding her.

"What about the commander?" I questioned, looking at Levi. "Save Armin! He is our friend!" Eren yelled, but Levi kicked him away, and I quickly restrained Mikasa, leaving her crying helplessly.

"Cadet L/N."

I knew that voice anywhere. The section commander. She never used that title on me unless they were extremely upset with me.

"H-Hanji..." I nervously spat out. "We will talk about what happened later."

Time skip after that whole scene for Armin's revival

Y/N's POV:
I was standing on the wall, avoiding Hanji, when I saw them speeding towards me. I tried to run, but they caught me.

"Y/N...darling, we need to talk." She took us far enough away that no one could hear us. "WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU DO THAT?! DO YOU KNOW HOW WORRIED I WAS?! WERE YOU EVEN THINKING?!"

I was so scared of Hanji, because they are the scariest one here when mad. "Well?! Speak up! I'd love to hear your explanation." Hanji yelled at me.

I sighed, but then I hugged her as hard as my body could. I bursted into tears, and buried my face in her neck.

As soon as I finished hugging her, I let go and ran as fast as my legs could carry me. She was close behind me, but I managed to hide. This wasn't going well.


Hanji's POV:
She bursted into tears and jumped up in my arms, and my arms went under her butt, holding them in place.

I immediately regretted yelling at her like that, so harshly and insensitively. "Y-Y/N...I'm sorry for yelling at you like that, it was too much, and I shouldn't have gone that far-"

Their hand went to the back of my head, and pulled me into a kiss. Her hands gripped my ponytail, and I kissed back. "I-I'm sorry Hanji. I was worried and since you were near the explosion, I didn't want to risk loosing you."

She sniffles and put her head on my shoulder, using my cape as a tissue. I started petting her head and rubbing her back, attempting to soothe her.

They stopped crying and smiled at me. "There is that pretty smile I know and love."

A/N: Sorry I haven't updated in awhile! The requests are coming, so don't worry, I will make sure to get them all!

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