training || berthold hoover x reader

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𝙱𝚎𝚛𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚕𝚍 𝙷𝚘𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚡 𝙰𝚌𝚔𝚎𝚛𝚖𝚊𝚗! 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛

Y/N = Your Name

H/L = Hair Length

H/C = Hair Color

~~~Let's Begin~~~

⚠️ !General AOT spoilers! ⚠️

Berthold's POV:

We were all out in the training field and waiting for Shadis to assign us our partners for training. "Alright Maggots. Time for your partners. Jaeger & Braun, Ackerman & Springer, Braus & Arlert, Leonhardt & Kirstein, Hoover & Ackerman and Bodt with Lenz. Now get started!" Shadis yelled at all of us. I saw everyone going to their partners and I saw a familiar face, which I recognized as the one and only, Y/N Ackerman. Their H/C hair blew in the sudden gust of wind and they glanced at me, and started walking towards me. They are quite intimidating...whatever! I can take them. As long as I don't transform. "Oi. Hoover. Ready?" They asked while looking up at me, getting in a fighting stance, and wielding the fake knife. I got into a fighting stance and we started. In seconds, they pinned me to the ground, with the fake knife pressed against my neck. "W-What? How did you-" "Experience and practice." They got up, and started walking to someone else who was done. They may be smaller than me, but damn they are strong. "Wait! I want to rematch!" I really shouldn't have said that...but who cares! I can't move on until I beat someone! Every. God. Damn. Time. They. Beat. My. Ass. They're too good! How?

~~~Time Skip to Dinner~~~

Berthold's POV: I saw them sit down at a table alone. "Hey, Annie, Reiner? Have you seen Y/N Ackerman's fighting?" "Yeah they are hell good." Reiner said. "Well they are Levi's biological sibling, of course they are good." Annie spoke. I looked in their direction and I walked over to their table. "Hey...! You were really good at training earlier...!" "What." They said while giving me a death glare. "I-I wanted to ask if you could teach me some of your move-" "No." Ok...well that could have gone better. "Please...?" "Fine. Meet me outside, where we train, at 12:00 am. Bring some extra clothes, you WILL get sweaty from how much I train you." They said with a stoic voice and motioned for me to leave. I nodded and went back to my table. "Soooo~ Bert~ How'd it go with Y/N~" Reiner teased as I sat back down. "W-What are you talking about?" I managed to say without getting embarrassed. "Oh come on Bert. We both know that you have a big crush on Y/N." Annie said while eating her food. "W-What?! No I d-don't!" "Ooh~ here comes your Y/N~" "Oi. Hoover." They came over and whispered something in my ear "(Whispering) Try not to get caught. If you do, run outside, around the barracks a couple of times, and run for your life." "O-Ok" I said back to them. "Goodnight you three." "Good night Y/N." Reiner, Annie, and I said in unison.

~Later that night~
I ran for my life because I was 2 minutes late and Y/N is always about on the dot timing. "I....I'm here!" I said panting. "Hoover. Your late." "By like 3 minutes!" I looked up at them and they were in (A bra and sweatpants for a girl, shirtless with shorts for a boy, and a t-shirt with shorts for enbies :)) I blushed because they were really good looking. "U-Uh so should w-we get started?" I nervously asked. "Sure. Did you bring extra clothes?" They questioned looking at me. "Yeah, I brought an extra t-shirt and shorts." I said while setting it down where their stuff was. "Good. Let's get started." We trained until 2:00 am, when I collapsed out of exhaustion. "Hey. Hoover. Didn't you bring any water?" They asked me, while I was panting and trying to catch my breath. "No..." I nervously said. "Here." They said and before I could even look up at them, they...THEY KISSED ME?! They had water in their mouth and fed it to me. "W-W-W-WHAT WAS THAT FOR-" "Shut it. Your gonna get us caught. I knew you didn't have the strength to drink on your own." They helped me to my room, set me down on the bed, and put my stuff next to the bed. "Goodnight, Berthold..." They kissed my head and left. H-Holy shit...that was the first time they addressed me by my first name! I think this is the best day every!

A/N: Hello! So I have a really exciting chapter about to be posted in a second because I finished it earlier, but I didn't want to publish it before this chapter! So get ready~

Next up: Ymir x Fem! Reader ;)

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