one bite || jean kirstein x reader

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𝚅𝚊𝚖𝚙𝚒𝚛𝚎! 𝙹𝚎𝚊𝚗 𝙺𝚒𝚛𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚒𝚗 𝚡 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛

Y/N = Your Name

L/N = Last Name

F/C = Fav Color

H/L = Hair length

H/C = Hair Color

(Btw, no one knows Jean in this story so YOU, my little reader-chan is the first one to meet him!)


~~~Lets begin~~~

Y/N's POV:

Oh no... "Ymir! Historia! Where are you two!" I had gotten lost. You might wonder how? I made a bet with my friend group to see who could find my best friends, Connie Springer and Sasha Braus.


"Ok guys! The first one to find me and Sasha gets free dinner from us for one week! Ok so have you all decided your groups?" Connie said to us all. "Yes!" All of us exclaimed. "Ok so who and what are the groups?" Sasha said while eating fries. Typical Sasha. "So it's going to be, Mikasa, Eren, and Armin, Ymir, Historia, and I, Berthold, Reiner, and Annie, and Marco wanted to go alone for some reason." I said to Sasha. "Ok we are going to go and hide now!" We all nodded and walked to the van we drove here. We waited and talked for about 30 minutes when I got a call from none other than Sasha. "We are ready!" Sasha exclaimed from the other end of the phone. "Alright! Everyone, split up! You know the rules!"

Your POV:
I've been aimlessly walking around these woods for like 20 minutes! I still have no idea where I am! Wait...what was that? I swear I heard some movement behind those trees and bushes...Oh god! What if it's a wolf! Or a wild animal! What if it could hurt me! I think I'm going to have a panic attack... Ok...Ok! Calm down Y/N! You can do this! Just look really big and scary, and rawr! Hopefully it will scare whatever is behind those trees away 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1! "GO AWAY FOUL BEAST!" I screamed with my eyes closed, raising my hands above my head, in an attempting intimidating look. "Cute. I'd like to see you try to scare me more." A voice said from the tree. What?! Is that a human?!

There was a dark figure leaning against the tree in a flirtatious way. It was clearly male. "Hey Princess, trying to scare me away is it?" I started walking backwards until my back hit a tree. "Foul beast? A simple human- correction, vampire, a foul beast?" "V-V-Vampire...?!" I attempted to run but the male grabbed my arm and pinned me back to the tree. "Say human...I'm quite you think you could spare some of that pretty blood?" I was shaking at this point. "I-I-I...No..!" I promise I'll be as gentle as I can, and I'm not drain you entirely." The male in front of me said while leaning in. To be honest, he has quite the looks... "Please...If I don't get ANY blood by midnight today...I'll be gone...and our generation of vampires will be 99% extinct..." Now I feel bad...maybe I could let him...I guess I could...Ok! Here goes nothing! "Ok...but, as soon as I feel off, I will shove you off or get you to stop. Ok?" "Yea yea deal! Now do you know what time it is?" "It's...11:50 pm! Oh god! Here!" I moved the collar of my shirt out of the way and tilted my neck so he could get a good spot. "Thank you! Maybe we could meet again and I could feed from you again...That's for another time, now are you ready?" I nodded and he bit into my neck and started feeding.

It hurt like hell. Oh god...It hurts so bad! I'm getting "I'm getting really dizzy...please stop...!" He pulled away and look satisfied. "I'm done...ok? I'm done. Thank you, now I'll be good for now! Maybe we could do this again?" He said while scratching the back of his neck. "Maybe...wait! Before you go, what's your name...? I'm Y/N...!" "Jean. Jean Kirsten." He stated and disappeared. "Y/N! Oh my god! We were so worried about you! Well...mainly me..." I shot my head in the direction of the voice and it was none other than Historia and Ymir. "Ymir! Historia! Oh I'm so glad to see you two!" I said while running to both of them. I hugged Historia and Ymir gently hugged us both. "Hey
Y/N?" "Yea Historia?" "What's on your neck?"

~~~The End~~~

A/N: I'M SO SORRY I DIDN'T UPDATE! I've just been so busy with school and tests that I completely forgot about updating! Idk who will read this because I don't see a lot of Jean stans and I personally see why- I don't dislike Jean as a character! He is just...too horse-y for me-

Next up: Cuddly! Pieck x GF/BF/Partner! Reader

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