aot females x sick! reader

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pronouns for this chapter:
y/n: they/them (gender neutral)
mikasa: she/her
annie: she/her
ymir: she/her
historia: she/her
sasha: she/her

let's begin!!!
Your POV:
i woke up this morning with the worst headache ever and it was so incredibly cold but hot at the same time. i knew i should have called out but i couldn't miss another lesson. i wobbled shakily out of bed and messily got dressed while sniffling uncontrollably. i feel and look like shit. i felt my forehead and i was burning up. like hella bad. i ignored it and wobbled out of my room to the mess hall.

i shakily walked in and grabbed breakfast before sitting down with my friends. "hey guys.." i said, and was so out of it. "y/n...are you feeling alright? you look awfully red and are slightly swaying, not to mention you sound very congested." mikasa said worriedly while looking me dead in the eyes. "nothing can get past you, huh mikasa? i'm fine don't worry." i said while trying to play it off as if i was fine. "just let us know okay? we're always here for you!" krista said while resting her hand on mine.

"my goodness! your burning up! your hand is awfully hot!" krista said, clearly concerned for my health. "i'm fine, don't-" i stopped mid sentence and sneezed my ass off. like 8 times in a row. "y/n, your obviously not okay. you have to call in that you can't train!" sasha said while stuffing her face like a sweetheart. "no, i can't. we always have to train. you never know when something could happen." i said while resting my head in my arms on the table.

"at least eat something." annie sternly said while looking away. "i don't feel like it." i mumbled out tiredly. "speak up sweetheart. we can't hear you if your face is stuffed in your arms." ymir said while rubbing my shoulder soothingly. maybe i should call in sick. i can barely walk without stumbling. "mhm..." i said while almost falling asleep. "come one, let's take her to hanji." mikasa said while helping me up by holding my arm. i just nodded and followed along until i realized what she said. "no! i'm fine!" i said yanking my arm away from mikasa's grip. i walked out to the training yard and the bright light from the sun overtook my vision greatly. i shielded my eyes and walked to a dummy. well, more like stumbled. i honestly looked drunk. unfortunately, some higher-ups supervising took note of this.

i weakly hit the dummy and shook my hand after in pain. "fuck man..." i mumbled out, feeling way too weak to do anything. i noticed in my peripheral vision that mikasa, annie, ymir, krista and sasha walked out to the yard. "hey! you wanna train, hand to hand with me?" sasha questioned while holding my arm.

the heat was slowly starting to get to me. i was already sweating and i felt worse being outside in the heat. i wanted to go inside and sleep in my bed all day. i wanted to-

"hello? y/n?" krista said while waving her hand infront of my face. "huh? oh sorry, yeah i'd love to sash." i smiled while holding her arm as well. i let out a couple coughs and followed her to an open spot. we started training and she was winning. a lot. "y/n? this usually isn't like you! are you sure you're okay?" sasha said while helping me up for the 100th time. "i'm...fine. i assure you." i said while standing back up.

i suddenly felt dizzy and very out of it. i held my head and heard a faint, echoed voice. "y/n? y/n! hey get up!" sasha exclaimed while shaking my shoulders. i passed out in the middle of the training field. man that's humiliating.

i woke up in a bed. i looked around and saw krista reading something. she noticed me get up and rushed to my side. "hey! lay down, don't strain yourself." she sweetly said, pushing me gently back down. "what happened...?" i mumbled out while rubbing my eyes and laying on my side, facing her.

"oh you sweet thing, you passed out while training. we took you to hanji and you had a temperature of 105°! we rushed you back here and fed you medicine while you were sleeping." she explained while stroking my hair.

soon after she was finished telling me what happened, mikasa and ymir walked in with a worried sasha following behind. "you're awake!" ymir exclaimed while crouching next to the bed. i nodded, about to fall asleep again.

"here, take your medicine. you need it." mikasa said while handing me a cup of magenta liquid. "do i have to?" i whined out while looking at her. "i will force it down your throat if you don't." i heard a stern voice come out from the doorway.

annie walked over while grabbing the cup of medicine. "open." she stated and i complied, not wanting to deal with an angry annie. she dumped it in my mouth and set the cup down. my face cringed as i coughed right after.

i turned my back to them and felt a kiss on my cheek. "sleep well love." i heard krista say sweetly while tucking some of my hair behind my ear. she moved away and made way for mikasa who wanted to get through.

"before you sleep, let me tie up your hair." (sorry my short haired friends 😔, just imagine she clips it back.) i nodded in compliance while mikasa gently brushed my hair together to relieve me from my sweating. i smiled at her and leaned my head into her torso as a form of a hug, feeling her abs under her shirt.

i pulled away and laid back down, grabbing someone's hand. "lemme hold whoever's hand this is while i sleep please..." i gently said while gripping the hand harder. "whatever you say princess." i heard ymir say and then kiss my knuckle.

sasha brought back some food and had set them on the bed on my right. "there's all kinds of snacks and food on the bed next to you! sleep well y/n!" sasha whisper yelled to me and i nodded while smiling at the sweet soul.

they all walked out, except ymir who waited until i fell asleep. she was telling me dumb stories about the guys, especially connie and all his dumbass mistakes. i chuckled a bit and soon fell into a deep slumber. ymir finished a story and heard my soft snores and carefully slipped her finger out from my gentle grip. she quietly and swiftly opened the door and left, carefully shutting it.

before she left, she quickly muttered, "sleep well and get better princess. also i think that prick, jean, got you sick. i heard him coughing his lung up a few days ago. sleep well." she finished and shut the door.

a/n: i struggled writing this because i sprained my wrist at volleyball today and it's killing me inside
n e ways, im boutta crash and fall asleep but i managed to finish this and get it out per your guys' requests. if you recall, i asked which story you guys wanna see first on the a/n in january of this year. you guys voted for aot girls x sick reader so here it is! hope you enjoy and go back to that a/n and comment here what you wanna see next! imma sleep and dream about some sexy blue aliens from pandora. bye noweee

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