quiet. || yelena x fem! reader

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𝙼𝚊𝚏𝚒𝚊 𝙱𝚘𝚜𝚜! 𝚈𝚎𝚕𝚎𝚗𝚊 𝚡 𝙵𝚎𝚖! 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛

Y/N = Your Name

L/N = Last Name

H/L = Hair Length

H/C = Hair Color

~~~Let's Begin~~~

Y/N's POV:
Oh god...I don't think this is a friendly alley...I shouldn't have gone this way! But it's the fastest way! "Boys. Restrain her." I heard a voice from behind me. Oh god...Next thing I know, there is a gag in my mouth and 2 tall men held me back. I tried kicking, but I just ended up failing. "Don't even try, princess. You just gonna fail." A very tall woman with short blonde hair, and dark eyes came up to me and looked me dead in the eyes. "Well aren't you cute..." I tried kicking, but she held my legs. "Don't. Even. Try. As I said before, your just going to fail." I felt tears welling up in my eyes and streaming down my cheeks. "Aww. Is my little sweetheart crying? Well tough. Life is hard. Get used to it." I motioned to take the gag out of my mouth. "Alright...but if you scream, your going to get a punishment you wish you never had." She took the gag out of my mouth and I felt the relief of air in my lungs. "Can you...put me down...?" I cautiously asked. "We have you surrounded. Right, left, up, you can't escape. And boss will probably catch your...tiny body." I glared at the man, but turned back to the tall female. "Zeke, let's not tell my new princess the obvious. Let her down. Just know, what Zeke said was true." I nodded and they let me down. I could tell that they were ready to pounce at me. I knew that I couldn't escape. Man...she's actually really pretty...she moved my H/C, H/L out of my face. "So princess, what do you need." "W-Why did you do this...? Why me?" "Oh princess, you've walked into my property...well kinda my property...it's my...turf. Come to think of it, why are you here?" "I was coming home from an club I DJ at, and this was the fastest way home..." I managed to say over my fear. "I'll take her from here, boys." The woman in front of me said. She scooped me up in her arms, bridal style and out of reflex, my arms went around her neck. My cheeks tinted a light pink and she started walking. I cling onto her tighter and stared into her dark, almost empty eyes. "Is my princess falling in love with me now?" "N-No! I just...I wanted to get a closer look at you...!" I managed to say to her face while she was actually right...I am falling for her...She set me down in her car and blindfolded me, while hand cuffing me, and tying me to the chair. She tilted my head back, so my neck was exposed. She gently kissed my cheek and sat next to me. I tilted my head back and to where I thought she was sitting. "Other side princess." I heard from the opposite of me. It just now hit me that I was being kidnapped. "Hey wait where are you taking me?!" I yelled out. All of a sudden I felt the worst burning sensation in my right arm. I screamed at the top of my lungs. "W-What- What the h-hell is th-at?! It burns! Take- Take it out!" "Shut up. It's a cigarette. You wouldn't shut up." Tears were streaming down my face while there was probably a burn mark in my arm. "P-Please...I'm sorry..." I said while my head hung low...I felt her lift up my blindfold, and pull my chin towards her. "You address me as Ms. Yelena. Understand." She said kissed my nose. "A-Alright..." I said. She snapped her fingers, still holding my chin. "Zeke, I need a bandaid now." She said while my messy hair was covering the one eye that I could see out of. The other was still covered by the blindfold. I felt her take her hand off my chin and open the bandaid. She put it on the burn and kissed it lightly. I slightly smiled and leaned back in my seat. "That's the spirit princess. Here, lay on my lap." I hesitated for a second, but I nodded. She cut the ropes that were holding me down and I laid down on her lap, still having my hands handcuffed. She started stroking my hair and kissed my ear. I fell asleep as she put the blindfold back on me.

Yelena's POV: "We are here boss." I heard Zeke say from the front seat. "Alright. I'll get my princess." I carried my gorgeous, injured, sleeping princess in my arms to our HQ. I carried her up to my big bedroom and laid her down on my bed. "Mm...mother...don't leave...!" She said in her sleep and cling onto my arm. "Aww..does my princess miss her mom?" "Mother...! Don't leave me again...! I can't live without you..." She said. I laid down next to her, and pulled her into my arms.

~~~Time Skip to the next morning~~~

Yelena's POV:

My princess is still sleeping in my arms...she was clinging onto my shirt and cuddled into my neck. I got out of bed, and asked our employees to make us breakfast. "Ms. Yelena...?" I heard a small voice behind me and I looked down, and saw my princess, rubbing her eyes, and being all sleepy. She's so cute...I picked her up and she kinda just rested her head on my shoulder, and fell asleep again. She's too cute sometimes...I felt her arms go around my shoulders, and she put her head in the crook of my neck. I kissed her ear and I laid down on the couch, with her on my chest. "Hey. You. Make us some food." "Of course Ms. Yelena." The servant/employee said to me. I felt her shift and I saw her eyes flutter open. "Hey princess...how are you?" I asked while stroking her gorgeous H/L, H/C hair. "Good Ms. Yelena." She said to me while laying back on my chest. "Call me Yelena."

~~~The End~~~

A/N: I really don't have much to say, but I hope you liked it!

Next: Berthold Hoover x Reader

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