stranger danger || hanji zoë x rico brzenska x modern! reader

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uh so it's been like 4 months since i started this and i find the theme of this quite cringy at what i was going at, but oh well, i alr have half of it done and i don't feel like scrapping it, so let's skip past the first two paragraphs of cringy me when st4 came out 💀

pronouns for this chapter:
y/n: they/them (gender neutral)
hanji: they/them
rico: she/her

let's begin!!!

y/n's pov:
god this show is intoxicating. okay yes, i know it's dangerous to use modern day equipment in this time and place, but i can't help myself!! a new season of my favorite show came out and i couldn't resist!! i managed to make sure no one could ever enter my room, as it way my room from modern day, and the TV in there is quite large, but my room modern day is soundproof, and so is this one.

i ended up finishing the last two episodes, and there are going to be two more episodes coming out in a few weeks so that's something to look forward to. i shut off the TV and walked out of my room to the mess hall, humming the opening.

i was walking down the hall with my hands in my pockets and walking to the mess hall when i got stopped by two certain women. "cadet l/n. we need to chat. follow us." the specifically short commander said.

rico and hanji turned around and walked off with me trailing behind them. i walked confused and hungry to the said location. it's been taking awhile so i started quietly humming loverboy by a-wall and it was barely above a whisper.

"yeah you can call me lover boy...they say i throw my heart around..."

"and you can be my lover girl..."

"da da da da da da..."

"kill the lights, so baby close your eyes. the way you're lookin at me, you got me mesmerized-"

"pardon, cadet?" hanji said sternly while turning her head to the side so she could see me in her peripheral vision. (woah, wyvern knows big words 💪)

"sorry hanji...i was humming a song." i stated. 'oh shit. do they know what songs are?' i thought nervously. "oh? what song?" rico asked curiously. "uh it's foreign. from my cit- village." i stated while proceeding to fuck up my sentence. "cit? what cit?" hanji questioned as we entered their office.

"cit...? you must have misheard me. i said...sick! sick village. it's a terrible sickness." i played it off casually. i'm screwed if they find out. "i'm sorry to hear. what sickness?" rico questioned while sitting on hanji's side of the desk.

"coronavirus. it's horrible, puts everyone in quarantine and spreads like the bubonic plague." i stated effortlessly while cardi b kept playing in my head. "bubonic plague...? what's that?" hanji questioned. fuck. that happened in like the 1800s. "oh...another type of sickness...but it happened awhile ago." i tried to explain but hesitated in the process.

"so you say..." hanji said skeptically. "well we pulled you aside from lunch to talk to you about something." rico said while resting her elbows on the desk. "which is..?" i questioned. "we heard some people talking in your room. who are they." rico bluntly stated.

shit my the hell do i explain that. "i beg your pardon..?" i questioned, trying to get out of it. "dont play dumb. sweet cadet." hanji said while resting their chin on their hand. damn that was hot. "well i was...reading out a letter from my parents. yep." i excused. "are you sure?" hanji questioned. "we've never heard anyone read a letter aloud. let alone with different genders talking." hanji said.

"'s a native thing to my village..." i hesitantly said while looking away. "it makes me picture them, and miss them less." i said while avoiding eye contact. "WAIT. SHIT. WHAT TIME IS IT." i yelled out, immediately remembering the most important part of today. did i mention it's december 18? (yes, it is what you're thinking, and yes, i am posting this in 2023...) hanji and rico looked shocked at my outburst.

"uh it's 6:53 am...why?" hanji said while looking at the clock. SHIT THE WORLD CUP FINALS. IMMA MISS IT. FUCK. "SHIT I GOTTA GO. ITS SUPER URGENT. BYE." i said while speeding out of their office. i left them baffled beyond belief and ran to my room.

~time skip to penalties~

i'm rooting for [argentina/france] and so far, they're still tied, so it went to penalties. as i didn't know, hanji and rico walked in, flabbergasted at what they were seeing.

[insert ur room with a massive tv in the corner]

"come on [argentine/france]...beat them." i said while holding said country's flag in a death grip. i had the sound blasting, so i couldnt hear them asking what the hell this was. "[YES/NO]! ARGENTINA WON!" i said [happy/sad] while screaming at the tv in [happiness/sadness] and hugging the flag. "that was a good run." i said while collapsing back and pulling out my phone and checking my socials while changing the tv to [favorite show].

"what the fuck." hanji said in shock.

"oh shit." i said while whipping my head to the source of the voice. we held awkward eye contact for a good couple minutes. "well...this is awkward." i tried making small talk but that didn't work. "explanation. now." rico stated while shutting the door closed.

this is going to be fun.

~~~to be continued~~~

tbh, i ran out of ideas to finish this so please comment some endings so i can make a part 2 💀

anyways, up next is aot females x sick reader

see ya -wyvern

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