nightmare || historia reiss x reader

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𝙷𝚒𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚒𝚊 𝚁𝚎𝚒𝚜𝚜 𝚡 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛

Y/N = Your Name

TW: Gunshots mentioned, screams, blood

(Modern Setting)

~~~Let's Begin~~~

Historia's POV:

I walked into a dark hallway and I could hear screams and gunshots. "Y/N...?" I walked into a dark room, I saw them lifeless on the ground.

"Y/N! Baby wake up! Please wake up!" I shook their body violently trying to wake them up. They wouldn't wake.

I didn't care if I knew they were dead. Even if they were covered in blood, I hoped a miracle would happen and they would wake up. I heard footsteps behind me and I screamed.

I jolted violently and and was panting very hard. I looked around and saw my room. "It was just a nightmare..." I rushed out of bed and to Y/N's room and carefully opened the door, trying not to wake them up.

"Y/N...Y/N...!" I shook them. They weren't responding. My heart started racing and I started sweating.

I knew they were a heavy sleeper, but right now, I was just worried about Y/N. "Y/N! Y/N WAKE UP!!!" I yelled, shaking them violently.

"Mmm....Historia...?" I heard their tired voice and jumped onto their bed, and hugged them tightly while crying in their shirt.

"Historia! Why are you crying? Hey. I'm right here... Hey...Shhh...I'm right here...your safe with me..." They said, patting my back, not caring if their shirt was drenched.

"Hey. Look at me." They grabbed my face with their hands and cupped my cheeks, wiping my tears away. "Baby cakes, what's wrong. Tell me what happened." They said to me, hugging me close.

I was sitting on their lap, so I nuzzled into their neck and used their shirt as a napkin. They obviously didn't mind, so they just patted my back and kissed my head.

"I-I had a nightmare!" I said, clinging onto their shirt and crying a bit at the thought of my nightmare. "Oh sweetie...look at me." I looked at them with glistening eyes and they kissed my nose.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I shook my head and they kissed my lips, very softly. They grabbed me a tissue and put it up against my nose. "Blow." They said and I blew my nose in the tissue and the threw it away.

"Do you wanna stay in my room tonight?" I nodded and they grabbed their phone, and put on my favorite song and hugged me close.

I clung onto them, still in their lap and they started swaying side to side, humming to the tune, relaxing me. I soon fell asleep and they set me down beside them, holding me close.

"Goodnight, Princess." They kissed my head and that was the last thing I heard before I drifted off to sleep.

~~~The End~~~

A/N: I know this was short, but I feel like this was cute. The requests start now!

Next Up: Request by: @xCookieCookiex_UwU

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