foodie || sasha braus x reader

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𝚂𝚊𝚜𝚑𝚊 𝙱𝚛𝚊𝚞𝚜 𝚡 𝙼𝚎𝚊𝚗! 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛

Y/N = Your name

L/N = Last Name

H/C = Hair Color

H/L = Hair Length

(Y'all probably know this stuff by now-)
No one's POV:

You were walking down the hallway toward the mess hall and someone ran down the hall, not seeing you and ran into you with a LOT of force, crashing right into your frontside. "HEY LOOK OU"- You yelled at the girl. She crashed right into you and you both fell over. She landed on top of your chest. You harshly pushed her off your chest and stood up without helping her up and walked right past her while she put her hand out thinking you would help her up but she slowly pulled her hand back and stood up sadly. She followed you to the mess hall. Before you walked into the mess hall, she tapped on your shoulder and you turned around harshly. "What- Oh it's you. What do you want." You said with a cold tone. "Uh hi! I'm Sasha Braus!" She exclaimed while smiling at you. "Did I ask Sasha Braus? No. I didn't now Get Lost." You snapped at Sasha and turned to open the doors to the mess hall when someone hugged you from behind. "WHAT THE HELL?! You again?! QUIT HUGGING ME YOU DUMBASS!" You yelled at Sasha. Her head jerked down as soon as you started yelling. "Why the hell would you fucking hug me." You scolded Sasha. "Well it looked like you needed one..." Sasha said sadly. "I'm not a hugger and I don't do hugs. Now get lost." You said while crossing your arms and walking into the mess hall. You got your food and down alone at a table near the back of the mess hall. You were eating when a familiar voice said...

Sasha's POV:

"Hey...I know you told me to 'Get lost' earlier...but I wanted to ask if I can sit with you..!" They looked at the me and saw me standing there. "I don't care." They said and continued eating. "I'll take that as a yes!" I said while sitting down with them. Around 5 minutes later, I was glaring at their bread while drooling. "What the fuck are you doing." They said to me as I looked at them without saying anything and they could tell that I wanted their food. "Here, take it. I'm not hungry anyway." They said to me handing me the bread and I snatched it from them and ate it within 1 minute. As they were standing up to leave, I tapped on their shoulder. "Hey..! I was wondering...if we could hangout tomorrow!" I exclaimed to them, as I was walking down the hall with them. "Captain grumpy-midget is making us clean like crazy tomorrow." They said to me, annoyed. I sighed and said nodded. They walked back to their room, and went to bed.

Your POV:

I woke up to a crashing noise and shot up out of bed. 'What in the name of Erwin's Eyebrows?" I thought in my head and looked outside of the door and saw the one and only...Sasha picking up a nightstand in the hall. I assumed she knocked it over because it was quite dark. I decided to scare her and stood in a shadowed place. When she walked by, I quietly blew in her ear and she jumped. She looked around and didn't see anyone (it was dark and it was hard to see in the place I was standing in. She shrugged it off and continued walking. It looked like she was going to the mess hall so I quietly snuck into the mess hall before she got there. As soon as Sasha walked in, I yelled quietly; "WHAT ARE DOING!" And shook her at the same time she squealed and directly looked at me. I stared her dead in the eyes grinning. "Hah! You should have seen your face idiot!

Oh my god! It was so priceless! I wish I could have saved that moment somehow"- I got cut off my a pair of lips. My eyes widened and Sasha pulled away. "Maybe I should have somehow saved your face when I kissed you Y/N." Sasha whispered into your ear. "S-Sasha...w-what was that...?" I quietly said to Sasha as she was getting food. "Can't you already tell? I like you. I like you a LOT Y/N...hey do you have any bread?" Sasha bluntly said. I threw your shoe at her and it nailed her right in the chest. "Ow! Why did you do that?!" Sasha said looking at me. I walked up to her and kissed her. "Maybe you should keep it down foodie. Otherwise BOTH of us are going to go deaf from Commander Erwin's, and Captain Levi's scoldings about being up at..." I looked at the clock. "2:18 am." I said to Sasha with my hands on her shoulders. "Oh and, drop the bread." She dropped it immediately and ran back to her room while holding my hand. "Sasha! I can walk by myself!" I whisper-yelled at Sasha so she could hear you. "I don't care." She said while looking back at me with determined eyes to get to her room.

" She said while looking back at me with determined eyes to get to her room

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(Basically like that)

"Your sleeping with me tonight." Sasha bluntly said when she got to her room. "W-what?!" I said shocked but pleased at her statement. Sasha got in bed and pat a spot next to her and gestured for you to lie down. I lied down next to her and she cuddled into me. "I love you..." she said, with her head buried in my neck. "I-I love you too Sasha..." I said back to her kissing her head. "Does this mean that we are dating now?" I looked at Sasha. "Yes, yes it does Y/N." Sasha said to me.

"I love you , foodie."

~~~The end~~|

Next up: Ymir x Roomate! Reader

I literally got that photo from Funtimaton- Anyway, bye for now! ~wyvern

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