experiments || erwin smith x reader

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𝙴𝚛𝚠𝚒𝚗 𝚂𝚖𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚡 𝙽𝚎𝚔𝚘! 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛

Y/N = Your name

L/N = Last Name

H/C = Hair Color

H/L = Hair Length

~~~~Lets Start~~~~

No one's POV:

"Squad Leader Hanji? Are you in he- ah! There you are! Captain Levi wanted me to rush to your office and said it was urgent!" You said as you walked into Hanji's office. "Ah! Cadet! Your here! Here drink this." Hanji handed you a test tube with a white substance in it. "What is it?" As you gulped all of it down. "It's a new experiment I've been working on!" Hanji exclaimed as she was jumping. "Oh god...my head hurts...and the bottom of my back..." you put your hand on the top of you head and the bottom of your back. "That means it's working!" Hanji looked at you. Suddenly the pain stopped and you heard a loud HEY! "OW!!! Hanji why did you scream so loud!" You exclaimed. "I...didn't yell...too loud..." Hanji whispered. "I can...hear so clear...!" You felt something wrap around your legs and looked down and saw a tail?! Erwin walked in and stared at your ears and tail while you were scolding Hanji. "Y-Y/N?" Erwin said. "C-COMMANDER ERWIN!" You saluted. You had liked Commander Erwin for awhile now. "What happened to you?" Erwin asked as he walked closer. "Squad Leader Hanji happened. It was one of her 'new experiments' and it turned me into a cat!" You exclaimed. "Come to my office, I'll scold Hanji later." Hanji sighed in relief and You followed Erwin to his office.

Erwin's POV:

Sit Cadet." I said as I closed the door. They sat down in the chair I had pointed to. "OW!" They exclaimed while springing up and rubbing their back. "Cadet...? Are you ok...?" "I-I sat on my tail!" They whined out and almost started crying. Cute....NO NO NOT CUTE THAT THOUGHT IS HARDLY APPROPRIATE. "Well are you alright?" They shook their head while pouting. I stood up and gently pat their head. I guided them to their seat and before they could sit down, I gently moved their tail out of the way. I sat down at my desk and looked at them.

"So cadet, tell me, how did this happen?" I said with concern in my voice. "Squad Leader Hanji gave me a test tube with a white liquid in it and told me to drink it. My head started hurting and the bottom of my back and next thing I know, I have cat ears and a cat tail!" They explained to me. "I know this comment is hardly appropriate, but, to be honest cadet, I think you look adorable with the extra...details" I said to them, leaning in closer at the same time. "C-C-Commander Erwin...What a-are you doing-". I cut them off with a kiss. What am I thinking?! This isn't appropriate! Somehow...I don't want to pull away... They...THEY ARE KISSING BACK?! Do they have feelings for me? I put my hand on their head and started petting between their ears and stroking them while still kissing them. Their head jerked down a centimeter and they purred under my touch.

We two broke the kiss for air while I kept petting their head and they kept purring. "C-Command-" "Call me Erwin now." I said boldly. "Alright Erw-" They purred loudly because I started scratching under their chin and they covered you mouth out of embarrassment. "Don't hide the purrs. They are adorable!" I said to you while still scratching under their chin. "Y/N, Will you be by my side throughout my life?" I asked, quite flustered. They turned a dark crimson red and blushed wildly. "Y-Yes! I will be!" They exclaimed and jumped over the desk, into my arms. The force in the jump caused the chair I was sitting in, with them in my arms, fell over with a THUD. They just laughed and I started to laugh too and I pulled them into another kiss. It was soft and gentle.

~~~THE END~~~

A/N: This one is updated too! More to go- *sighs dramatically* Well I better finish updating them!

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