take care || rico brzenska

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Y/N = Your Name

L/N = Last Name

~~~Let's Begin~~~

Rico's POV: I came hone from work, and entered the shack/abandoned house I kept my darling Y/N in. It was a pretty big space, with lots of places to hide, so I normally have to tear the place apart, to get them. "Darling~ I'm home. Oh? I guess I have to tear the place apart looking for you then-" "Rico! Rico is that actually you?" I saw Y/N crawl out from under a table, one of their common hiding spots, but really hard to see and tell someone is there. "RICO! Oh it's actually you!" They tried to stand up, but ended up standing/leaning on me while hugging me. "Woah...why...why are you hugging me? You never do this. I'd be lying if I said I didn't like it, but why...?" "It-It was so bad...everything, the guys, our things-" "Woah...hey calm down...why is the place so messy?" "That's the thing...can we talk about it?" "Of course. I want every detail." I stated, helping them to the bed.

"Ok darling, what happened?" "After you left, it was about 3-5 hours after you left, and I was looking outside of the window, when I saw two men running to the building, and they probably saw me, because I made eye contact with one...So I hid and they took everything...! All your valuables, clothes, and everything valuable that we had! It's...it's all gone...I hid and they tore the place apart, trying to find me. I heard one of them say; 'We have to find that girl! She could tell us where the valuables are.' And I just held my breath for about 2 minutes and they left! I was to scared to get out from under there, so I waited for you! It was so scary!" After they finished talking, they cuddled into me, and clung onto me. "They...They hurt you?" I said, clenching my fist, and ready to kill someone. "No...they just scared me...!" They said. "One second darling...I'll be right back..." "NO! Don't kill anyone!" They said and jumped into my lap. "Please...don't...could you just re-bandage my injury...?" They said while trying to get over to where the bandages are. "I'll get it, darling. Just sit down, I'll bandage it." I said and helped them to the chair in the corner of the room. They sat down and extended their leg, so I could bandage it. "Alright, now your arm, ok?" They nodded and extended their arm, and I started bandaging it. "Alright, so I know your scared, so if your ok with it, would you want to cuddle? It will help you feel better." I said while setting up the bed . "Mhm...I would like that..." They said and I picked them up, and pulled them to bed. We laid down and they soon fell asleep in my arms.

Y/N's POV:
"Now if you DARE come here and try to hurt my darling, your gonna wish you didn't." I heard a voice say from the door. I turned around and saw Rico choking the robber that were here yesterday! They probably came back for more valuables! "R-Rico...what are you doing...?" "Stay out of this darling." She said to me while turning her head and glaring at me. One of the robbers were passed out on the floor, and the other was about to pass out because of how hard Rico was choking the guy. "Leave. Now. With your stupid shitty friend." The guy nodded and ran with his friend. "Rico...you didn't have to do that..." I nervously said, motioning for a comfort hug. She came over to me and gave me a very comforting hug. "No. It was absolutely necessary. I had to take care of it." She said to me, while picking me up. "Now...I have to go to work. Ok? Stay in bed, I don't want you straining your wounds." "Alright Rico." I said to her. I felt her setting me down under the covers. She grabbed her jacket and put it on. "I love you." She kissed my head and left, with some folders in her hands.

~The End~

A/N: I hope you like this! I really enjoyed making this and personally, Rico is one of my favorite characters! (Please say that I'm not the only one who thought Rico was a boy at first! No? Just me? Alright-) Anyway! Have a good day/night!

Next Up: Fan! Reiner x Famous! Reader

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