kisses || ymir x fem! reader

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𝚈𝚖𝚒𝚛 𝚡 𝙵𝚎𝚖! 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛

Y/N = Your name

L/N = Last Name

H/C = Hair Color

H/L = Hair Length

E/C = Eye Color

F/C = Favorite Color

S/F/C = Second Favorite color

~~~Let's Begin!~~~

No one's POV:

It was 12:00 am and you were sleeping peacefully in the girls barracks when you feel someone's presence beside your bed. Your eyes slowly flutter open and you turn around and saw a tall girl standing there. You almost screamed but then the girl put a hand over your mouth. "I'm your roomate, Ymir." She said looking at you with a death glare. She took her hand off your mouth and crossed her arms. "Um...ok...I'm Y/N." You stated while yawning. "Go to sleep. I woke you up." Ymir said while peering down at you while squinting. You could see her black tank-top and gray shorts. You were wearing a F/C oversized shirt and S/F/C shorts. Since your shirt was oversized, it looked like you weren't wearing pants. "Are you wearing pants? If your not, forget about me being your roomate." Ymir said while sitting down on the bed. Your eyes widened and you immediately shook your head. "No! Of course I'm wearing pants!" You quickly stood up and lifted your shirt just enough so she could see your shorts. "Oh, You are. That's good." Ymir said while looking at you. "Yea..." You said while sitting on the bed.

Ymir's POV:

They were about to lay down but then the door burst open, scaring them badly. They screamed and fell on the on their stomach, on the floor. "Ymir-Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! Are you hurt? I shouldn't have barged in like that and scared you! Are you ok?" The short girl asked while helping them up. "Well to answer all your questions, Your fine, my stomach is a little sore, it's fine again, I scare easily, I'm fine." They stated. "Oh ok that's good! I'm Krista Lenz! What's your name?" Krista asked "I'm Y/N, Y/N L/N." They stated while standing up. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you like that! I was looking for Ymir because she wanted to tell y"- I covered Krista's mouth with my hand. "Ok Krista no need to talk about that..." I said while pushing her out of the room. "Ymir wait!" Krista said as she turned her head back. "Yea goodnight Krista! See ya bye!" I slammed the door then sighed. "What was that about?" They asked while setting up the bed for us. "Long story. What are you doing-?" I asked. "Oh I'm setting up your side of the bed. For you to sleep of course." They said while bending over to fix my pillow. I started tapping my toe on the ground.

I sighed and then yawned. "Are you done yet? Your taking forever." I said. *sigh* "Ymir I just finished." They stated. "Oh, ok then. Don't expect me to be nice to you...Y/N, was it? Anyway, don't touch me while your sleeping." I said while walking to the bed. "O-ok..." they stuttered out. I pushed them on the bed. "Hey! W-what was that for?!" They said almost about to get up. "Lay down. It's really late now. It's...12:24 am. We have a long day tomorrow. Captain short-ass-Levi isn't gonna deal with us being late to cleaning and give us even MORE cleaning." I said while getting in bed with them. They just nodded, buried themselves in the blanket, and turned their back to me, about to fall asleep when I pressed my front side against their back and wrapped one of my arms around their waist. Their eyes shot open and they immediately turned around. My face was inches away from theirs.

Your POV:

My face was so close to hers, that your noses were touching. "Y-Ymir! What are y-you doing?! Y-you said I shouldn't t-touch you!" I said while trying to move away from her. To be honest, I loved her touch and her arm around my waist. After 10 seconds, I stopped struggling to get out of her grip, and gave in. My body relaxed on the bed and I softly looked at her. "I said you couldn't touch me, sweetheart, not I couldn't touch you. So therefore, I can touch you but you can't touch me- scratch that. You can ONLY touch me if we are cuddling sweetie." Ymir then winked and I turned bright red. "S-sweetheart? S-Sweetie?

What are those nicknames for...?" I said while moving the slightest closer to her. "Well I wanna call you sweetheart and sweetie because I have a habit of doing that to people I love! Just like I call Krista. I call her that in a friend way, and to tease her. I call you that because I...genuinely love you..." Ymir said while blushing. "Y-Ymir...I have to tell you something..." I said while moving closer to Ymir. "Oh? And what is that?" She said looking confused. "I think I'm I love with you too..!" I said. I turned bright red again and buried my face in the pillow. Ymir pulled my chin up and kissed me passionately. I immediately kissed back and soon enough my arms were around her neck and one of her arm was around my waist, the other arm was on the back of my neck, pulling me deeper into the kiss. About 2 minutes later, we both pulled back to catch our breath.

Our foreheads were against each other and we were panting. "Sit up a little bit." Ymir said. I nodded and propped myself up on my elbow and Ymir slid her other arm under my waist. I laid back down and Ymir lifted up her neck off the pillow so I could slide my arm under her neck. My other arm was on the other side of her neck and she kissed my head. "Goodnight sweetheart, sweetie, cupcake, baby." Ymir whispered in my ear. I giggled a little. "What was that Ymir?" I asked while burying my face in her neck. "All the nicknames I'm gonna call you, sweetheart." I smiled and pecked her cheek. "There is that smile I love." She said and pecked your lips." She put her chin on my head and closed her eyes. "I love you, baby..." I said while blushing. "Using names now huh? Anyway, goodnight cupcake..." Ymir said and then lightly kissed my head. "Have the sweetest dreams..." Ymir whispered.

~~~The End~~~

A/N: And I finished this update
Next up: Historia x Drunk! Reader

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