sorry || eren j. & jean k. x reader

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𝙴𝚛𝚎𝚗 𝙹𝚊𝚎𝚐𝚎𝚛 & 𝙹𝚎𝚊𝚖 𝙺𝚒𝚛𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚒𝚗 𝚡 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛
𝙰𝚗𝚐𝚜𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝙵𝚕𝚞𝚏𝚏

edited: ❌
Requested by: @xCookieCookiex_UwU!
Y/N = Your Name

Y/N's POV:
I was sitting in the mess hall, and as I was eating, Eren and Jean sat on either side of me. "Hey Y/N wanna train tomorrow-"

"Cut it out, horse face." Eren backfired at Jean. "All I was saying was; 'Hey Y/N, wanna train tomorrow!' That's all I fucking said you idiot!"

"Ohhh you wanna go horse face?!" "Right here, right now-" "BOYS!" I exclaimed and got everyone's attention. "Knock it off!" I yelled. "But Y/N! He-"

I slapped the back of Jean's head hard and did the same to Eren.

"You two are idiots." I said before sitting back down and eating. The sat down, clearly ashamed, but continued eating.

I got full and stood up, handing my extras to Sasha who hugged me and thanked me a thousand times.

I sat back down and zoned out into my own thoughts when I was interrupted by Eren and Jean going at it again.

Eren's POV:
Ohh Jean has REALLY done it now. He had the audacity to stare at Y/N while they handed Sasha their extras.

"Horseface. Why are you staring at them." "I was seeing where they were going, maniac." He whispered the last part and I stood up, in a fighting stance. "

What did you call me you horsefaced idiot?!" "I called you a maniac!" He yelled back at me and got into a fighting stance as well.

We started fighting, when Y/N noticed us and started stomping over to us.

"BOYS. AGAIN?! HOW MANY TIMES-" Oh fuck. Jean and I had accidentally punched Y/N in the face. "Y-Y/N! Oh god are you ok?!"

I said rushing to their aid. "Oh god...we didn't mean to-". They slapped us both, hard and took their hand off their nose, revealing their heavily bleeding and bruised nose.

Mikasa, Sasha, Krista, and Armin rushed to them, checking in them if they are ok and some tears started streaming down Y/N's face. "Y-Y/N we are so was an accident!"

"You've done enough. Eren. I expected better from you. They are your comrade. There is absolutely NO need to punch them. Mikasa said to me while comforting Y/N.

"Jean...why would you punch them?" Sasha said, handing them a glass of water and a napkin to wipe their tears. "Please, let us take you to the infirmary!" Jean said, trying to get Y/N's attention.

"You two have done enough! I'm sick of you two fighting! Just leave me alone!" Y/N exclaimed while everyone was still checking on them.

"We will take you to the infirmary and make sure your ok-"

"No. You two have done enough. Come on Y/N, I'll take you to Section Commander Hanji's office to get your nose examined." Krista said, guiding them to Hanji's office.

"Armin! You know it was an accident!" "Please Eren, not now." Armin said, walking to a different table. Me and Jean look at each other ashamed and sat down, in guilt.

Y/N's POV:
Krista helped me to Hanji's office and they told me it was just bruised. Krista took me to the infirmary and sat me down while stopping my bleeding nose, and put a bandaid on the bridge of my nose where the slight cut was.

"Are you sure your ok? I can ask Hanji to treat it!" Krista said, gently patting my head. "I'm fine. Thank you Krista. I'll just go back to my room now. Take care."

I said while hugging her and she hugged me back. "I'll check tomorrow morning, ok?" I nodded and she gave me a smile.

I walked back to my room and found Eren and Jean sitting on my bed, with a couple flowers. "Hey Y/N..." Eren said while making eye contact. "What." I harshly said, while shutting the door behind me.

"We wanted to say we are sorry." Jean said while the both of them held out flowers to me. "Thanks..." I said while grabbing the flowers and putting  them on my nightstand.

"It was an accident, we were so caught up in the moment that we didn't realize and our reflex went straight to your face..." Eren said while breaking eye contact.

"I know...I know you two. You would never punch someone on purpose unless it's the two of you are fighting or combat" I said with a loving smile on my face.

The two of them tinted pink and smiled at me too. "The reason why we were because we both really like you, Y/N.

"" I said, visibly flustered. "We get it if you don't like one of us or either of us, but we thought it was about time we told you." Jean said, getting up.

"The truth is, I like the both of you..." I said, ashamed because they hate each other. "Listen...we are fine with...sharing your love...if that's ok with you..." Eren said, going to one side of me and gave me a reassuring head pat.

"No! I'm fine with sharing your love! I said, hugging Jean and dragging Eren along with me. "This is going to take awhile to get used to, but I think this could work!" Jean said, hugging me close.

"How about we cheer you up with some cuddles...?" Eren said, pointing to the bed. I nodded and jumped on the bed, patting either side of me. Eren laid down in front of me and Jean laid down behind me.

Jean spooned with me while Eren held me close to his chest and the both of them kissed my head. We ended up falling asleep shortly after that and cuddled for the rest of the night.

~~~The End~~~

A/N: This story was requested by @xCookieCookiex_UwU! I hope you like it!

Next up: Request by: @EdwardTheSeal

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