scared || nanaba x reader

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𝚂𝚌𝚊𝚛𝚎𝚍! 𝙽𝚊𝚗𝚊𝚋𝚊 𝚡 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛

I don't see ANY Nanaba x Reader stories so...I decided to make one! Oh and Happy Halloween! Stay safe! Oh and it's a modern story where there isn't and Covid or anything :) <3

Y/N = Your Name

H/L = Hair length

H/C = Hair Color

~~~Let's Begin~~~

Y/N's POV:

I had just woken up next to my beautiful girlfriend, Nanaba. She cuddled her face into my neck more and pulled me closer, even though there was like no space in between us. I smiled and started stroking her hair gently. I felt her eyelashes flutter open against my neck and she looked at me."good morning darling..." She had said to me ina very raspy, sleepy voice. "Morning baby..." I said back to Nanaba. "Happy halloween baby..." I said to her while burying my face in her messy hair. "You too darling..." She said, probably closing her eyes again. "Can we sleep for another hour? It's Saturday...Satur-ween..!" (From Sam & Cat lol-) I chuckled a little bit. Yea...doesn't it happen every...7 years?" I felt her nod slightly in my neck. "I suppose we can sleep in for a little longer..." I said to her while she looked at me with happy, but tired eyes. "Thank You baby..!" She said to me and kissed me. I obviously kissed back. We pulled apart and she pulled away from my cuddles. "Where are you going...? I still want cuddles..." I pouted and she slightly laughed. "I just wanna hold you...thats all.." I nodded and she held her arms open. I dived into her arms with full force, pushing her back a little bit. She smiled and I buried my head in her neck and she started stroking my H/L, H/C hair.

~Timeskip 1 hour later~

Nanaba's POV:

I opened my eyes an looked down. Sleeping there was my gorgeous girlfriend/boyfriend/partner. They look so peacful. They cuddled into me more and I kissed their head. Their E/C fluttered open and looked up at me. "Hey are you?" I asked them while they shifted around. "Tired since I just woke up...I'm hungry...Nanaba...can you make me your perfect waffles?" I smiled and kissed their head. "Of course darling!" We both got up and they went straight to the couch and turned on the TV. "Babe? Can we binge watch horror movies all day?" My eyes widened. "Yes! Of course we can! I'll make popcorn! Ooh! Popcorn and waffles with scary movies!" I am so excited! "Wow Nanaba, you seem excited! Ok how about we watch...IT! Or The Poltergyst! Ooh! Happy Death Day!" I gulped. I thought she meant scary Disney or Pixar movies..."Ok..!" I sat down with them and they put on...No..No! Not IT! I hate clowns! I cuddled into them and pulled up a blanket for both of us.


Nanaba's POV:

Me and Y/N were so interested in the movie that I had completely forgot about the jumpscares that exsisted. There was a jump scare and I screamed and jumped quickly dove into Y/N's arms. "Nanaba? Are you ok?" I looked up at them. "No...I hate scary movies! I thought you meant scary disney or pixar  movies! Not these..." I blurted out. "Aww babe! I'm so sorry! Here I'll put on like Coco or something!" I smiled and watched them change the channel to Disney+  We ended up binge watching Disney movies and passing out candy to kids who rang the doorbell.

~The end!~

A/N: Sorry this was so short! I had no big ideas for this x Reader- Look forward to a Hanji x Fem reader coming up! <3

Next: Vampire! Jean x Reader

(Idk I've seen some Jean stans so...this is for y'all-)

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