mail || ymir x reader

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𝚈𝚖𝚒𝚛 𝚡 𝙼𝚘𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚗! 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛

Requested by: @EdwardTheSeal!

Y/N = Your Name
L/N = Last Name

~~~Let's Begin~~~
Ymir's POV:
I woke up in an unfamiliar bedroom that was VERY different than what I slept in.

~~~Let's Begin~~~Ymir's POV:I woke up in an unfamiliar bedroom that was VERY different than what I slept in

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Where the hell am I?! Why is it so...pretty...Wait a second?! Is that a picture of me on the wall?! And what is this?! Is this a picture of me on a giant pillow?! "What the hell?!"

I heard footsteps and I immediately got out of the strange bed. "Yeah mom! I got the mail!" "Did the lightbulbs come?" I heard a voice far away.

"No! The new lightbulbs are supposed to arrive next Friday!" "Oh by the way, your new shirt of Yvette? Whatever her name was, it arrived and the box is in your closet!"

"Ok first of all, her name is Ymir, second, WHEN DID IT COME?!" "Earlier when you were at the skating rink." "Thanks mom!"

I heard a conversation between what I assumed a teenager and a mother. Why is there a shirt of me in the closet?! Where am I?! What is a...skating rink...?!

"Junk...Junk...bills...Uncle George's electrical bills...Wait what?! Why do I have his bills? He lives an hour away!" The person said, entering the room. "And now time for- YMIR?!"

They exclaimed while jumping back against the wall. They clearly saw me. "How do you know my name." I stated. "Y-Your like famous in this world! Speaking of 'this world', how did you get here?"

"I don't know." "I wanna show you something!" They said, and grabbed my hand. They pulled open the closet and got the box.

They grabbed the box and placed it on the bed and grabbed something sharp from a desk. "What are you doing with that?! Are you going to hurt me?!"

"Good lord no! These are just to open the box!" They said and cut the box open. They pulled out a shirt with my face on it?

"Is that me?" "Mhm! See!" They said and showed me the shirt. "T-That's uhm...interesting...? Wait...what are these...symbols?" These were weird symbols on the shirt.

"Oh can't read English...ok this says 'Y-M-I-R  S-U-P-R-E-M-A-C-Y'!" "My name and...what is that word?" "Supremacy." "" "It means like superior to all others."

"So Ymir Supre..macy? Do you like me?" "U-Uhhh Noo!" They like me. "To be honest, your kinda cute~ maybe you'll be my new Krista!"

"Y-Ymir! We just m-met! Well kinda..." "Don't care!" I wrapped my arm around their shoulder and pulled them into a hug.

I stuffed their face in my chest and I could feel their face heating up in my chest. "Y-Ymir..." I could feel their arms wrapping around me, and nuzzling into me.

"So~ Y/N~" "Y-Yeah?" "Chu!" I kissed their head and they clung onto my jacket, heating up a lot. "H-Here, just change into this!"

They handed me inners, a shirt, a black hoodie that has a picture of something on the front, and sweatpants." "What is this thing on the front?" "Oh, those are a type of food, chips."

"Thanks." They left the room and I changed. "Y/N~ Sweetie~ I'm done!" I yelled out and they walked back in, wearing the shirt with my name on it.

"Cute~" I hugged them and stuffed their face in my chest. "S-Shut up..." I heard them mutter. They hugged me back and I pulled them up into my arms.

"Let's go downstairs." They nodded and nuzzled into my shoulder. I walked downstairs, and I heard their mom say something. "I'm going to the store Y/N!" "Ok!" They yelled out, and pointed me to the couch.

We sat down on the couch and they held something and something turned on. "W-What is that?!" "Relax Ymir! It's just a TV. It's a thing where you get to watch stuff!"

I gave them a confused look and they just pointed to the TV. I gave the most interesting look and they chuckled at me.

I kissed their head and they slapped my arm, in a playful way. I hugged them close and watched the TV.

~The End~
A/N: Sorry this was short, but I'll post the Valentine's Day special tomorrow! Ily!

Next Up: Valentines Day Special!

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