tired = cuddles || hanji zoë x levi ackerman x female! reader

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this was a request by bellaaiyoo !! i didn't feel too comfortable writing a smut again, (idk how i did last time) so imma make this a wholesome fluff, i hope you're not too upset about that :>
don't worry, you are eligible in age to date hanji & levi :) i am aging levi down a bit by like a couple years, and this like 5 years before wall maria fell but pretend that they're both around the same age for the story pls
ages for this story:
y/n: 22-ur choice
hanji: 25
levi: 28
don't judge me bc i use military time bc well, aot is the military lol- here's a guide if you don't know it:
00:00 = 12:00 am
01:00 = 1:00 am
02:00 = 2:00 am
03:00 = 3:00 am
04:00 = 4:00 am
05:00 = 5:00 am
06:00 = 6:00 am
07:00 = 7:00 am
08:00 = 8:00 am
09:00 = 9:00 am
10:00 = 10:00 am
11:00 = 11:00 am
12:00 = 12:00 pm
13:00 = 1:00 pm
14:00 = 2:00 pm
15:00 = 3:00 pm
16:00 = 4:00 pm
17:00 = 5:00 pm
18:00 = 6:00 pm
19:00 = 7:00 pm
20:00 = 8:00 pm
21:00 = 9:00 pm
22:00 = 10:00 pm
23:00= 11:00 pm
pronouns for this story:
hanji: they/them
levi: he/him
y/n: she/her
(i apologize if i refer to the reader as a they somewhere bc its a reflex 😭)

lets go!!

y/n's pov:
i looked over at the time; 02:17 am. gosh im too hungry for this. i could ask sasha for her secret stash, but i think she will bite me and act feral if i ask. i could...WAIT. let me check my pocket in my uniform. i remember putting some crackers in there, along with a small piece of bread incase this happened! hmm lets see...YES. OH THANK BARBATOS, MORAX, THE SHOGUN-
(shit wrong game/show)
OH THANK WALL MARIA! ITS HERE!! IM SAVED. LORD HAVE MERCY, IM SO LUCKY. i quickly devoured that shit. okay now that i feel less hungry, what can i do until i get sleepy..? wait. i know one person that will guaranteed to be up at this time.


let's see, where are my boots... ah! here they are. i quickly slipped on my boots and tip-toed out of my room and over to hanji's office.

im about to get an earful if they're in a bad mood, but oh well. i can't sleep and they couldn't be in a bad mood..right..? i kept gently eating on a cracker on the way there so i would stop overthinking. i reached their office and slowly brought up my hand to knock.

knock, knock, knock, bang!

shit, i knocked too hard so it was super loud! im gonna die today if captain levi hears it-

"cadet l/n?"

hanji opened the door, looking wide awake as ever. man am i lucky that they weren't sleeping. i mean would they ever?? "hello section commander." i said in a hushed voice. "why are you up?" hanji said in a slightly stern voice while leaning against the door. oh my wall maria. that was so fucking hot. their muscles were flexed as their messy hair was slightly covering their face as they looked up/down/across at me. their glasses shining in the light and their arched nose looking so beautiful. my admiring got cut off when hanji talked again. "well? are you going to tell me why you are up at this ungodly hour in the night? let's see, 02:28? before you answer, come in so we don't wake up the others."
(btw hanji wasn't wearing their jacket or harnesses so its a simple white shirt with the sleeves rolled up and white pants and brown boots. i hope that made sense lol)
hanji moved aside, motioning for me to go in. hanji followed me in and sat at their desk, motioning for me to sit across from them. "so?" they asked while leaning back and pushing their glasses to their face. LORD HAVE MERCY. WE MUST STAY FOCUSED BROTHERS, WE MUST STAY FOCUSED.

"well basically, i couldn't sleep after dinner and i know its way past curfew, but i simply couldn't sleep and i was somehow entertaining myself by staring at the window. i digress, but i knew you had to be awake so i came to you to entertain myself." i noticed that hanji kept glancing behind me but i thought nothing of it.

"ah, i see. well my titan research can wait for my favorite cadet in the whole world! you did the right thing because i can talk with you for hours without getting bored!"

they said cheerfully while gently booping my nose and looking at me with the most loving eyes ever. i wanted to pass out in the moment. hanji was about to speak, but i didnt notice and continued to talk. sobbing. "i was praying that captain levi didn't hear me because i knocked decently loud!"

"oh i heard all right, brat."

oh shit. i recognized that voice anywhere. i slowly turned around in fear as i saw levi leaning against the wall next to the door. he was wearing his uniform but without the jacket. the door must have covered levi when hanji opened it. i choked on my words, trying to figure out what to say. just kill me now. "you are so lucky that i don't hate you brat. i don't have a liking to you either, so don't get your hopes up." i sighed in relief and still couldn't find the words to say.

"well...this is awkward, anyways! levi, come sit!" he walked over, glancing at me, and i quickly looked away. he sat down next to me and i quickly side glanced at him, them looked back at hanji and smiled. i yawned, my eyes getting heavy by the bright light of hanji's candle.

"cadet? are you tired? you can sleep on my bed if you are too tired to go back to your room!" a chance to sleep in hanji's room? YES PLEASE. "alright."

hanji's pov:
y/n made her way over to my bed and i followed after her. i removed the covers and she laid down, as i tucked her in and gently pet her head so she falls asleep easier. i noticed she fell asleep quite quickly after i caressed her hair for 15 minutes. i turned back to levi and saw he was tinted a light pink while looking at y/n. "looks like levi has a crushhhhh~" i teased while he glared at me.

"i will slap you so hard you loose your last brain cells." "right then!" well now what. im a little tired myself so i got into bed next to y/n. "uh four-eyes? what are you doing?" "well im a little tired myself levi, you are welcome to join us!" levi silently walked over to us and sat by our legs at the other end of the bed. "tch, this is the closest im sitting." "suit yourself!" i gently laid my arm over y/n and she gently nuzzled into my arm.

~time skip to the next morning (lemme bring this back) brought to you by bertholdt's tallness~
(curse my 5'5" ass)

y/n's pov:
i woke up and the bright sunlight was shining through the curtains and into my eyes. i looked up AND LEVI?!!!?!!!!!?? HE IS LAYING RIGHT NEXT TO ME, HOLDING ONTO MY HAND LIGHTLY AND SLEEPING SO PEACEFULLY. im gonna malfunction- i turned my head around and hanji was spooning me. im gonna die happily now. "stop moving around so much brat." "huh..?" "you heard levi." hanji and levi's sleepy voices are so hot omg.

knock, knock, knock

"section commander hanji? its awfully late and i was wondering if you were okay?" erwin's booming voice came from outside the door. "uhh yeah im not feeling too well and i accidentally had levi and y/n in here with me and i don't want them to infect anyone today, so i will be hosting them in here today." "alright, i will informs the other cadets." i heard his steps walk away and fade into silence.

"now i have you two all to myself today. we can go get food at 11:00 and 14:00 when everyone is as training and work, now, both of you. back to sleep and cuddle closer." and with that, hanji closed their eyes and slowly drifted back to sleep. i glanced at the time and saw that it was 07:38.

well, lemme just sleep again. i wrapped my arms around levi and he looked reluctant at first, then cuddled in more and buried his face in the crook of my neck, and i felt hanji nuzzle their face into the back of my hair and sigh in tiredness. i slowly drifted into a deep sleep and smiled softly.

a/n: WELLL???? WHAT DO YA THINK??? i personally like this idea and i think this us adorable :) i don't know how i did it back then, but i did t feel too comfortable writing a smut, especially with three people, so im sorry about that :( feel free to leave more requests here or on the request page at the top of the book :) have a wonderful day/night my loves and ill see you next time!

-  spencer <3

word count: 1608 words

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