time || levi ackerman x reader

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𝙻𝚎𝚟𝚒 𝙰𝚌𝚔𝚎𝚛𝚖𝚊𝚗 𝚡 𝙼𝚘𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚗! 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛

Y/N = Your Name

L/N = Last Name

F/C = Fav Color

H/L = Hair length

H/C = Hair Color

~~~Let's Begin~~~

Btw, this takes place in New York, Manhattan!

Levi's POV:

I was walking down the hallway, ready to scold that Jaeger brat about his poor, poor cleaning skills. When all of a sudden I walked into nothing, but then I'm in front of a house?! My eyes widened as I look at the house. It looks very...futuristic. It has white walls, a dark brown roof, and pretty big but not giant. Wait...where are the walls?! I look off in the distance and there is no walls! Where am I?! I see someone walking towards me, holding a bunch of...booklets and envelopes? They are taking one out, looking at it and putting it back under the stack. It looks like a lot. Why are they carrying keys? What is it too? "Oh hey Captain Levi...WAIT. CAPTAIN LEVI ACKERMAN?!" They said mumbling while walking past me then turning around and yelling. "Who are you and how do you know my name?!" I said, shocked at how they know me. "Well duh your the Levi Ackerman! Only humanity's strongest!" They said while I could see sparkles in their E/C eyes. "Tch. Yes, I am humanity's strongest, but that still doesn't explain how you know me!" I said back to them with some confidence.  "Well your from Attack On Titan! Only the BEST anime of all times!" An-i-me? What the hell is that? "What the hell is an-i-me?" I said, confused. "It's like...um...a Japanese show I guess?" They said to me.

Y/N's POV:

Omg I can't believe I'm talking to LEVI FREAKING ACKERMAN. MY NUMBER 1 HUSBANDO OF ALL TIME! THE HOTTEST ANIME CHARACTER KNOW! Ok Y/N! Stay calm, act cool..! "Oi. Brat, where am I, and who are you." AAAHHHHHH LEVI DID HIS SIGNATURE "Oi." AND "Brat." OH RIGHT ANSWER HIM! "Your in Manhattan, New York! Oh right! I'm Y/N L/N!" Keep cool. Keep cool... "Manhattan? Where is that?" "New York! Oh right you don't know where that is...Anyway! Do you want to come in?" I said while walking up to the door of my house. "Tch. Yes I do. Why are there so many spiderwebs..? And...Graves?! What kind of place is this?!" Levi said while back away from me. Wait! Levi! They are decorations! They are fake! See!" I yelled back at him while quickly walking towards him. I picked up the styrofoam grave and waved it around. I also stuck my hand in the spiderwebs and they didn't break. "See...? They are fake! I didn't mean to scare you in any way!" I said while looking at him with sincerity. "I still don't trust you fully, but it is cold out here so...we are going inside brat." Levi said while walking up to the door. We walked in and he was astonished. "Why is it so messy in here?! And what is that big black rectangle?! And what is that small device your carrying?!" Levi said while pointing out a bunch of things. "Well it's messy because I'm in college and I live in my own." Levi scoffed and took his jacket off- WAIT DID I JUST WITNESS LEVI TAKE HIS JACKET OFF?! I'M SO LUCKY RIGHT NOW! "Oi, where are your cleaning supplies." Levi said while looking around the house. "Y-Yea I do! Follow me!" Ugh did I just stutter infront of Levi?! Embarassing much...I led him to my supply closet. "Brat. I'm cleaning you room." Wait no not a good idea! "L-Levi! Don't go into my roo-" HE WENT INTO MY ROOM! NO!

Levi's POV:

I walked into the room and there were posters, life size-standing things of me, and...A LARGE PILLOW BIGGER THAN ME WITH ME ON IT! WHY DOES THIS PERSON HAVE THIS STUFF OF ME?! "Brat...What is this." I was trying to keep my cool. My walls I need to strangle a titan right now. "Eheheheh that is...umm...my stuff...?"

This is gonna be a long time to be scolding...

~~~The End!~~~

A/N: Tbh, I really ran out of ideas for this so it kinda ends suddenly- sorry! I'm done updating! The book is fully updated! 😁

Nanaba x Reader (Halloween Special!)

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